I’m Alone, I’m Alone, I’m Alone!!!

I can’t wait to read your fucking blog, here it is my beloved.

This is from a text I received yesterday. The same person who told me to fuck off and live my fantasy life and that’s she hates me, see my previous blog To Fuck Off, or Not. This was one of over 20 texts that started with my heart is breaking ending in the classic Fuck You posts. To me the above statement is a classic cry for help. I have worked out that my friend has three unique identities: The first being the Wise, Insightful, Compassionate, Sensual one. The second being the doubting Thomas one, this won’t work out which still contains some of the former, and the third, the cruel, sadistic Fuck You one who will say anything to hurt you, including you should kill yourself.

Am I being sadistic staying in communication with her, or Am I still in love with her. When I look into my heart, it is the latter. I don’t know how to fall out of love in a week and a bit, which she seems to have been able to achieve. So now we are both alone per say still talking to each other via text. So what does the world say about being alone, lets walk down that street:

1. I am slowly learning this, too soon, although we are in COVID stage 4 Lock-down in Melbourne, Australia.

2. You can offer this, but when they have made the decision to end it, its over, but in ours there seems to be residue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzSgxvvTWvA

3. For me that I prefer a partner.

4. I sense I will eventually do this again:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLQl3WQQoQ0&list=PLgP_WFDJWjxRBAnIeUupZ-XHAspFBJZ0i

5. Thats what my sister is saying to me about my current situation.

6. The joy of the previous months with my friend have ruined this for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSDgHBxUbVQ&list=PLgP_WFDJWjxRBAnIeUupZ-XHAspFBJZ0i&index=3

7. Not Yet, for me.

8. That is what crushes your heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2U0Ivkn2Ds&list=

9. Peace Out.

10. I so miss this, I am getting teary typing these words: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGorjBVag0I

11. It goes back to my early childhood, being cared for and abandoned by my mum in the first three months of my life.

12. I have been told by many friends I should be doung this, not talking to her. My heart does not want to hear it:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBumgq5yVrA&list=PLgP_WFDJWjxRBAnIeUupZ-XHAspFBJZ0i

13. Nothing, not even that person.

14. I do this so I don’t have to feel so sad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhcc1KQlCS4&list=PLgP_WFDJWjxRBAnIeUupZ-XHAspFBJZ0i&index=9

15. This is for my friend, a woman of faith.

So when life gets stressful and you feel like you’re losing your emotional balance, use one or more of these simple tricks to help you relax your mind and recenter yourself in an instant:

1.Wash your hands and face, annd brush your teeth.

2. Change your socks

3. Call a close friend.

4. Stretch.

5. Go outdoors

6. Take a light exercise break.

7. Dress to feel your best.

8.Listen to your favourite music.

9. Take a few deep,, controlled breaths.

10. Clear your stuffed nose.

11. Cook a good meal.

12. Walk away from energy vampires.

13. Complete an important piece of unfinished business.

14. Work in something that is meaningful for you.

15. Assist someone in need.

16. Think about your latest or (greatest success).

17. Act like today is already an awesome day

18. Notice what’s right.

Take a moment to acknowledge how far you’ve come.

Today’s playlist is dripping with Pop divas: We begin with Beyonce followed by Adele, Ed Sheeran and Christine Aguilera. We travel back in time for Leonard Cohen classic and end with Passenger and Andra: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJlQ3F9bKYrsGy-xwtyPoagX95P3KDfEs

Still haven’t worked out the links issue, My mission is not to be alone, it is to have 1,000,000 state they will live from the ethos of Love and Respect for All, Everyone Included, you can join our tribe here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/1126100227764949. Until we meet again, my dear friends.

How Can You Mend A Broken Heart!!!

You may have noticed my past 5 blogs have been about growing friendship with my friend Amy. It moved quickly and then spectacularly into becoming lovers against all the reasons the world tells you that a friendship between two people 28 years apart in age should. Being used to a single life, where you domestic actions didn’t have a lot of repercussions to being in a partnership saw me totally do some things that have unfortunately taken it from you are the greatest lover I have ever had and talk about moving in together to stop treating me like I am your mother in a period just greater than 24 hours.

Did we really love each other, yes we did, but I allowed my actions to move our relationship from our hearts to her head. I sit here writing this close to tears and I have cried about ten times in my 66 years, my parents once sent me to a phycologist to see why I couldn’t during my teenage years, it didn’t resolve anything and I am still a non-crier basically. The only thing that shifted it was the joy I felt in my love for Amy, I would be sitting on a railway station and feel tears of joy welling up, very un Rod Williams like.

My relationship consultant friend who is also a phycologist advised that we should not contact each other for 30 days as to go from the passion of a ten to the lesser feelings of friendship, say a three to a five we had to journey through our grief and sadness at to what we had lost, as moments this sacred are rare in people’s lives. I fight with the urge daily to break this especially when Amy contacted me. I wanted to write platitudes how I would do anything to get back together, but this is the act of 17-year-old first love. I must admit after 12 years it did feel a bit like this for me.

I realise I could write 1,000s of words what this woman means to me, I will journal them later, so what has the world said about relationship breakdowns and broken hearts over the years. Let’s have a look:


1. Oh, how I wished I could have stopped this occurring.


2. Oh, how my heart yearns for this: How Can You Mend A Broken Heart.


3. I love His Holiness quotes, but my heart does not want to agree with this one at all.


4. Crossed fingers, but it fucking hurts so much at the moment: Don’t Judge Me.


5. One of the things I did not do was break glass but forgetting to thank her most of the time was just as devastating.


6. And to me, it is you: My Immortal.


7. I am feeling this more and more as the pain slides away.


8. I am not ready for Amy to do that yet, I may not be responsible for my reaction in the emotional state I am in at the present: Run Through The Jungle.


9. This hurts in the I still love her zone.


10. I was the storm: Riders On The Storm.


11. I didn’t really do the second thing or did I, she has gone.


12. I lost in the first round: Street Fighting Man.


13. Ken oath.


14. We talked about our families a lot: We are Family.


15 And for our final lesson, well said Trent.

I spoke to a friend halfway through writing this for half an hour because I believe she has wisdom in this area. She advised me three things: 1. Take ownership for your part of the breakdown and look for the red flags that were there for it to happen. 2. Make agreements, keep them. If you are going to break them, communicate, communicate, communicate. 3. Take time to heal before you think about going back there, and do this day by day.

I am just doing these things now.

The playlist today is funk and rock and roll, we begin with the title track by The Bee Gees, then Chris Brown. Evanescence sneaks in this century’s rock track, then we go back in time to CCR, The Doors and the Rolling Stones. We complete with a ten minute epic by Chic and Sister Sledge, enjoy, it rocks: How can you mend a Broken Heart!!!

In my heartbreak, I have started a new tribe around my ethos Love and Respect for All, Everyone Included. It is called Thriving People – People who wish to make a difference to Humanity, my intention is a 1,000,000 people take up the challenge, here is the link to join, I would love you too: Thriving People.

Until we meet again my dear friends.



You don’t always need a Plan!!

There are times in our life when we need to be motivated, here are some reminders from Marc Chernoff, author of the great book, Getting Back to Happy with his partner, Angel: Here’s the link.

1. You can press forward long after you can’t. It’s just a matter of wanting it bad enough.

2. Crying doesn’t indicate that you’re weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you’re alive and full of potential.

3. Give up worrying what others think of you. What they think isn’t important. What is important is how you feel about yourself.

4. If you awake every morning with the thought that something wonderful will happen in your life today and you pay close attention, you’ll often find you’re right.

5. You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have.

6. A problem is a chance for you to learn.

7. You must see things how they are instead of how you hoped, wished or expected them to be.

8. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Let it Go.

9. Tough times never last, but tough people do.

10. Not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

11. Giving up doesn’t always mean you’re weak, sometimes it means you are strong enough and smart enough to let go.

12. Mistakes teach you important lessons. Every time you make one, you’re one step closer to your goal. The only mistake that can truly hurt you is choosing to do nothing simply because you’re too scared to make a mistake.

13. If it’s out of your control why fret about it? Concentrating on things you can control is how you make good things happen.

14. If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting.

15. Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.

What has the world said over time to motivate itself, here are a few of my favourites:


1. The old imagine they are naked public speaking trick reversed because this time you are.


2. You come to that twin fork in the road, take the road less travelled: Hit the road, Jack.


3. If you are going to the gym to find it, turn around, it’s inside you, not in the weight room.


4. The comfort zone is the home of the lounge lizard, not Nobel prize winners: Out of Tower Song.


5. What did you discover after your worst fall?


6. Treat people how you wish them to treat you: Treat me like Somebody.


7. Live out your dreams, they are worth it.


8. One foot in front of each other still means you are on the path of fulfilling your dreams: One Foot.


9. Plan it, then allow for the time it will take.


10. John Michael Green is an American author, vlogger, producer, and educator. He won the 2006 Printz Award for his debut novel, Looking for Alaska, and his fourth solo novel, The Fault in Our Stars, debuted at number one on The New York Times Best Seller list in January 2012. The 2014 film adaptation opened at number one at the box office. In 2014, Green was included in Time magazine’s list of The 100 Most Influential People in the World. Another film based on a Green novel, Paper Towns, was released on July 24, 2015: It Hurts.


11. Jim Rohn points out sometimes we may have simply chosen the wrong path.


12. Just, because: Black Coffee.


13. Motivation 101.


14.  Makes me think of William Wallace and his wee band of men: Freedom Speech.


15. You can make an excuse and not do what it will take or you can travel forward towards what your dreams in life are.

So a few questions: What stands between you and happiness, Are you holding on to something you need to let go, What is the biggest challenge you face right now and finally, If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently.

The playlist today begins with Ray Charles as we hit the road, then we continue to the musical Tangled. Three newbies to me follow: Tink, Walk the Moon and Emeli Sande. Then the sultry Peggy Lee and we end with Mel Gibson aka William Wallace: You don’t always need a Plan.

To live my life from Love and Respect for All, Everyone Included does not always need a plan, just a way of being. Until we meet again my dear friends, let’s live a motivated life.



There is no Elevator to Success!!!

I was having a deep and meaningful conversation with a friend into what prevents us from meeting our goals which made me think of Angela Lee Duckworth’s great book Grit: Why Passion and Resilience are the Secrets to Success: Get It Here. 

Here are some great lines from the book: 

“What I mean by a passion is not just that you have something you care about. What I mean is that you care about the same ultimate goal in an abiding, loyal, steady way. You are not capricious. Each day, you wake up thinking of the questions you fell asleep thinking about. You are, in a sense, pointing in the same direction, ever eager to take even the smallest step forward than to take a step to the side, toward some other destination. At the extreme, one might call your focus obsessive. Most of your actions derive their significance from their allegiance to your ultimate concern, your life philosophy. You have your priorities in order.”

“Why were the highly accomplished so dogged in their pursuits? For most, there was no realistic expectation of ever catching up to their ambitions. In their own eyes, they were never good enough. They were the opposite of complacent. And yet, in a very real sense, they were satisfied with being unsatisfied. Each was chasing something of unparalleled interest and importance, and it was the chase— as much as the capture—that was gratifying. Even if some of the things they had to do were boring, or frustrating, or even painful, they wouldn’t dream of giving up. Their passion was enduring.

In sum, no matter the domain, the highly successful had a kind of ferocious determination that played out in two ways. First, these exemplars were unusually resilient and hardworking. Second, they knew in a very, very deep way what it was they wanted. They not only had determination, but they also had direction.

It was this combination of passion and perseverance that made high achievers special. In a word, they had grit.”

How does the world navigate this thing called Grit: Lets take that journey:


1. John Ortberg is an evangelical Christian author, speaker, and senior pastor of Menlo Church in Menlo Park, California. One of his publications, The Life You’ve Always Wanted, has sold more than 500,000 copies.


2. Grit is a lifetime hobby: Work It.


3. John says give peace a chance, Wayne not Lennon.


4. You can have it all – that’s what we think as kids, unfortunately, this is taken away from us in our school years: You can Have It All.


5. I am ……………


6. Come across to the other side, its fun over here: On the Dark Side.


7. Passion and Perseverance – Fuck Yeah!!!


8. Minna Thomas Antrim was an American writer. She is famous for the quote “Experience is a great teacher, but she sends in terrific bills.” She was also well known for her collection of toasts: Say Something.


9. Way back to the 18th Century and Ralph Waldo Emerson for part of the recipe of Grit.


10. Thrusting, now that takes Grit: Call on Me.


11. I agree with Brene, possibly the bravest thing we will ever do.


12. Never give Up in search of your dreams: Tough Lover.


13. Ovid, way back in the times of the Roman Emperor was known as a poet of Love.


14. Jon Gordon, known for his earth-shattering book, The Energy Bus, which is said about: “If you want to fuel your family, your career, your team, and your organization with spirit read this book. Jon’s energy and advice will leap off the page and help you cultivate positive energy in everything you do—and you will make the world a better place for your having been here: We Shall Overcome.


15. How often are you unyielding, what does it take?

“In fact, when people drop out of things, they do so for a reason. Actually, they do so for different reasons. Any of the following four thoughts might go through your head right before you quit what you’re doing:

‘I’m bored.’
‘The effort isn’t worth it.’
‘This isn’t important to me.’
‘I can’t do this, so I might as well give up.’

There’s nothing wrong—morally or otherwise—with thoughts like these. As I tried to show in this chapter, paragons of grit quit goals, too. But the higher the level of the goal in question, the more stubborn they are about seeing it through. Most important, paragons of grit don’t swap compasses: when it comes to the one, the singularly important aim that guides almost everything else they do, the very gritty tend not to utter the statements above. …


Together, the research reveals the psychological assets that mature paragons of grit have in common. There are four. They counter each of the buzz-killers listed above, and they tend to develop, over the years, in a particular order.” They are Interest + Practice + Purpose + Hope.

The playlist today contains quite a few Pop divas: We begin with Rihanna and Drake, Then some rock and roll from Yo Lo Tengo and Eddie and the Cruisers. Two Christina Aguilera tracks are intersected by Eric Prydz and we complete with some wise words from Martin Luther King: There is No Elevator to Success. 

Remember to provide Love and Respect for All, Everbody Included until we next meet, my dear friends.




I am a leaf on the Wind!!

One of the things I have wanted to do my whole life is fly unaided. I tried gliding, hang-gliding, parachuting but they were all too noisy. I wish to float in the clouds like an eagle, silently looking down on the planet as I soar over it.

Birds do not see the borders we have made up for the planet, when they fly thousands of miles to return to their nesting sites from their wintering grounds they do not require a passport to cross the imaginary lines we have drawn on the planet. That is the freedom of soaring, the word that most fulfils my desire to fly.

Soaring is defined as  soaring to fly or rise high in the air: “the bird spread its wings and soared into the air” ·, “when she heard his voice, her spirits soared” synonyms: fly up · wing · wing its way · take off · take flight ·

So lets have a look at what the world has said about soaring :


A. W. Tozer was a  American Christian pastor, preacher, author, magazine editor, and spiritual mentor. For his work, he received two honorary doctoral degrees.

Tozer had seven children: six boys and one girl. Living a simple and non-materialistic lifestyle, he and his wife, Ada Cecelia Pfautz, never owned a car, preferring bus and train travel. Even after becoming a well-known Christian author, Tozer signed away much of his royalties to those who were in need. Sean Lucas has commented on a biography of Tozer by Lyle Dorsett. He said “Dorsett exposes a fundamental contradiction in Tozer’s character that raises all sorts of questions about holy zeal and its effect on the whole of life. The contradiction could be summed up: how did Tozer reconcile his passionate longing for communion with  God with his failure to love passionately his wife and children? Perhaps the most damning statement in the book was from his wife, after she remarried subsequent to his death: “I have never been happier in my life,” Ada Ceclia Tozer Odam observed, “Aiden [Tozer] loved Jesus Christ, but Leonard Odam loves me”.


2. One of the parts of the recipe of soaring is looked at in this quote, the essential ingredient of Self Love: Feeling Myself.


3. Love this powerful quote by Anne Bronte, the lesser known of the Bronte literary family. Her second novel, The tenant of Wildfell Hall, considered the first feminist novel was prevented by her sister Charlotte being re published after her death.


4. How often do you soar above the clouds? : Eagle Flying.


5. Don’t you love those nature documentaries where young birds take their first attempts at flying, often they fail, but they never give up.


6. I love how eagles and albatrosses soar in the sky high up on their own. It is such a powerful statement about this is my life and I’m creating it: It’s my Life.


7. Don’t you love those moments when life clicks and whatever it throws at you you feel like you are floating on the timeless winds above those that usually toss you around day by day.


8. Victor Hugo – Though a committed royalist when he was young, Hugo’s views changed as the decades passed, and he became a passionate supporter of republicanism; his work touches upon most of the political and social issues and the artistic trends of his time. He is buried in the Panthéon. His legacy has been honoured in many ways, including his portrait being placed on French franc banknotes. I don’t really know what his quote means: The Pun Song.


9. Rufus Wainwright is an American-Canadian singer-songwriter and composer. He has recorded seven albums of original music and numerous tracks on compilations and film soundtracks. He has also written a classical opera and set Shakespeare sonnets to music for a theatre piece by Robert Wilson. Not sure if he is referring to the fae or the fact that he is gay in this cute quote.


10. Just a little detail, I will never give up on my dream to fly unaided, even if it only in my dreams. Who knows what they will invent on the next few years?: I believe I can Fly.


11. Who says you can’t be the one, don’t listen to them.


12. Perhaps I need to befriend Dumbo, he can fly unaided: Dumbo Flies.


13. There are theories as  babies we have invisible angel wings and they fade as we stop believing in  our ability to soar as we age. Time to reverse the process.


14. When you locate the Self Love within, you gain the strength to soar: Don’t stop Believing.


Chetan Bhagat(born 22 April 1974) is an Indian author, columnist, screenwriter, television personality and motivational speaker, known for his English-language dramedy novels about young urban middle-class Indians.A noted public intellectual, Bhagat also writes for columns about youth, career development and current affairs for The Times of India (in English) and Dainik Bhaskar (in Hindi).

Bhagat’s novels have sold over seven million copies. In 2008, The New York Times cited Bhagat as “the biggest selling English language novelist in India’s history”.Bhagat’s screenwriting efforts have included the dramedies Kai Po Che! (2013), 2 States (2014) and the action-superhero movie Kick (2015). He won the Filmfare Award for Best Screenplay for Kai Po Che! at the 59th Filmfare Awards in January 2014. He has definitely flown above the stone throwers in his life.

So how do you choose to soar in your life? What is you desire that equals mine to fly unaided. Please don’t give up on it. That is what is your passion in life.

Namaste until next time, my dear friends.




I believe in Unicorns!!

What did you believe in when you were little, I believed in Unicorns. What magic do you still believe in? Living your life with a little magic in it allows for you to let things in that replace the mundane, those mythical and magical moments that inspire your heart to shudder with  joy.

We are all fascinated by magicians and wonder how do they do their amazing tricks, can they really walk on water? Magic has been prevalent over the centuries and mentioned in all areas of life, lets have a look


1. I love words, they express the magic of the soul, and sometimes they don’t, the heart does.


2. Think about all those times when you just knew that it was time to begin that new adventure. Your Gut Feeling was on full volume: It’s only the Beginning.


3. And sometimes we need to remember that magic is special and we can simply imagine that life can be better and take the appropriate actions.


4. How much of our life do we live in the comfort zone. Step outside and enter the magical arena and transform your life: This is Where the Magic Happens.


5. For something to occur in our lives, we must believe in it, including magic. What’s better to believe in.


6. Federico Fellini , 20 January 1920 – 31 October 1993 was an Italian film director and screenwriter. Known for his distinct style that blends fantasy and baroque images with earthiness, he is recognised as one of the most influential filmmakers of all time. Some of his films are placed in polls such as in Cahiers du cinéma and Sight & Sound as some of the greatest films of all time, with his 1963 film being listed as the 10th greatest film of all time by Sight & Sound.

In a career spanning almost fifty years, Fellini won the Palme d’Or for La Dolce Vita, was nominated for twelve Academy Awards, and directed four motion pictures that won Oscars in the category of Best Foreign Language Film. In 1993, he was awarded an honorary Oscar for Lifetime Achievement at the 65th Annual Academy Awards in Los Angeles: The theme from 8 1/2.


7. Underlying all of it , there is universal love, sometimes we forget.


8. Jimi speaks to my heart, I love my music, it enlivens me: Red House Live.


9. Did you know life was like a flute, flutes are magical.


10. Don’t we all want one of these, I saw this occur on the weekend, Its was magnificent: Love is in the Air.


11. Divorce it today and your life will become extraordinary.


12. Do you have a dream diary to look back on when you fulfil them later in life: Dream Baby.


13. From that great philosopher Anonymous, eternally ageless. Throw out the cynicism, smile, believe and let in the magic.


14. I’ve been sprung, I still believe in Unicorns and have a pet one named Cheryl: The Unicorn Song.


15. Creator of the Goddess Lifestyle Plan Lisa Marie Rosati says “Magick is the art of creating your own reality exactly as you wish to live it, in accordance with the Laws of the Universe, Nature and in Sacred Partnership with the Divine.”

I am a believer that magic should be a daily part of our lives as it spreads joy through our bodies and takes us a long way down the path of fulfilling our dreams.

Namaste until next time my dear friends.



I will Play while Unleashing!!

Missed last Thursday, I was getting ready for a retreat I attended on the weekend called Unleashing the Dragon. It was with my mentor Arion Light through his Activation School. The school’s motto is What you Embody, You Create. It is body work that  revolutionises how you come alive, heal & create. Dropping mental force creating and instead taps into the power of creating from an awakened body and your inner essence.

The definition of unleashing has two meaning in the dictionary:

unleash – 
  1. release (a dog) from a leash.
    “they dig up badger setts and unleash terriers into them”
    synonyms: let loose, release, free, set free, loose, unloose, unbridle, untie, untether, unchain,unbind, unshackle, unmanacle; More

    2. cause  force to be released or become unrestrained.
    The latter was more what we were dealing with on the weekend although at times it felt like the former and my body is quite sore today.

So what does the world have to say about the noble art of unleashing, there are many derivatives so lets have a look at a few:

unleashing 1

1. For more than 40 years, Jim Rohn honed his craft like a skilled artist-helping people the world over sculpt life strategies that have expanded their imagination of what is possible. Those who had the privilege of hearing him speak can attest to the elegance and common sense of his material. It is no coincidence, then, that he is widely regarded as one of the most influential thinkers of our time, and thought of by many as a national treasure. He is famous for down to earth quotes as well. 


2. Deep Inside You, many people got to discover this as they unleashed the dragon hiding in their caves. for some it was power, others rage, for some their sexuality and others their tenderness. Try a little Tenderness.


3. We actually saw people break through those fears that had been holding them back, an act of pure courage. 


4. Things we do not confront build up pain in our bodies, it takes up more and more space unless you unleash it. Time to Start Over Again.


5. Sai Marie Johnson is a creative concept designer, graphics artist, activist writer, and author of several series. A mother of four children, and the proud wife of a US Army Veteran Sai enjoys many different activities. The owner of a dachshund, and two lovely cats Sai is an animal lover, and a woman who simply calls herself, “A woman with a dream, and a pen.” Here she is writing about to be careful about what you allow to unleashed by our governments.


6. Another way of saying unleash is to liberate, remember you are Awesome. It’s For the Good Times.


7. What we each unleashed on the weekend was a mystery to us, even though we were called to have an intention.


8. Another reason to be unleashed, actually 12 of them. Helps with the Communication in your life.


9. We went deep into the pockets of our fears and as this quote say, all that now remains is us. There are always fears to work on.


10. My mind knows a lot, and then there is a saying You don’t know what you don’t know, go there: Who You Are.


11. OMG, I love lists, here is a great one.


12. People had some sexy names on the weekend, here’s another, Ricardo Housham has his own quote page : Make your Move.


13. The greatest Love I have got from fairy tales is to believe in Unicorns, I have friends that I swap Unicorn pictures with.


14. Besides being a magnificent facilitator Arion is an awesome poet, here is one of his offerings:

 Precious love, you are beautiful. I know that you cling to that steering wheel because you think all manner of bad things will happen if you let go, but I want to let you know its ok, that controlling everything is not much of a life for me or you. 
Yes life can be harsh and brutal, but control doesn’t protect from that anyway, and here is the most beautiful thing….. Even though it feels like death to move to the back seat, it is so much more than that. Yes a certain rigidity dies, but you precious mind, can’t die, you are luminous brilliance and when you can let go of that steering wheel, in time your shell will crack away and your true nature of genius and light will be revealed.
 So my love, let go, come and rest in the back of the bus, I have installed a jacuzzi and all you have to do is relax. I love you so much.

It’s Poetry in Motion.


15. Three words, YOU ARE ALLOWED, Unleash that dragon. This saying I acknowledge my other mentor and my Anam Cara,  Emili Paulo. Here is a link to her work: Collective Potential

As I said in the beginning there are many cuts at Unleashing, be mindful about which ones you do or just go for it, both of these types of advise where given at the end of the weekend.

Namaste until next Thursday, I promise, my dear friends.






Connection is, of the Soul!!

There are many forms of connection  across the world, religious sporting, kindred spirits and even family. I went to a card making day for the United Nations International Day of Friendship at Darebin Intercultural Centre in Melbourne where I voluntarily tutor English to two Sri Lankans, one Pakistani and three Chinese students. They give me a great connection to other cultures.

I made a card for each of my siblings , and I am going to send them on August 7th, which is the official day, I’m not sure how my older brother will take being told how I love him, it’s not his thing.

The quotes for connection are widespread across many facets of life, so let’s begin our travel down the road of being connected to something or someone in our lives.


1. Our connection to life can be like Anthony Robbins screaming out Just do It or like Eckhart Tolle cajoling us to just be in the now . Neither is an incorrect way to be connected to the earth. Kate Perry, OMG, has a courage song : Roar.


2. I grew up in Bendigo and went to  High School in the 1970’s. The  last friend I saw from those days was at least 15 years ago as I had to move away for work. I sometimes regret losing those wonderful friends I used to ride my bike to school with.


3. I’m not sure if this is the cinemaphotographer from Finding Tory, but I have been learning recently that it is not money you work for , it is your time that holds the value. when you lose value ,  you may contemplate this : Rock and Roll Suicide.


4. You can do well at things, but if they are not improving life on earth, why do you bother?


5. I’m sure we have all seen Steve Jobs, Tim Minchin’s and Jim Carrey’s commencement speeches. How many of the people listening follow the advice before they are sucked into the normality of a 9 to 5 job. Fear and Love.


6. And if we could connect to our younger selves, what would we say. Here is what actress Sandra Bullock suggested at a commencement speech she gave.


7. Make your connection with your spirit the best it can be , shoot high.  Terry Teachout (born February 6, 1956) is an American critic, biographer, librettist,author, playwright,and blogger. He is the drama critic of The Wall Street Journal, the critic-at-large of Commentary, and the author of “Sightings,” a column about the arts in America that appears biweekly in the Friday Wall Street Journal. He blogs at About Last Night and has written about the arts for many other magazines and newspapers, including the New York Times and National Review : We are the Champions of the World.


8. Jim Carrey again, I have listened to the speech mentioned above in full about twenty times, if you have time seek it out on Youtube, the one I have included is a shortened version.


9. I wrote a previous blog on Anam Cara, Irish for soul friend, people you can be apart from for years and it feels like a minute and it just continues like no time has passed: That’s what friends are for.


10. There is a saying the greatest compliment you can give someone is to really listen to them. I think this quote sums that situation up pretty well.


11. We are here for a short period of time, do not leave the planet worse than you found it: Peace Train.


12. Not your Love, but your vision, creativity, character, and your passion, then perhaps it has a chance.


13. Because it says so much about our changing types of connection: My thoughts on Google+


14. Eleanor Roosevelt was the first lady of the United States and so much more. She said great empowering things, especially for women.


15. And, yes we are getting two commencement speeches in the add-ons, take it away: Steve Jobs.

As I said, different ways to look at connection, quotes, songs and speeches. Some of them are inspiring, some daggy – Australian for quirky, and some just classic.

Namaste until next time, my dear friends.




I’ve got the Music in Me!!

I have 33,000 songs in my Itunes library, I subscribe to Apple My music, Spotify, have 130 albums on my Bandcamp play list, Mixcloud, Soundcloud and am subscibed to about 300 musicians webpages: so the above statement is my truth.

I cannot play an instrument as my right and left hand do not talk to each other but my dear friend Kavisha Mazzella taught me to sing as a member of The Moon’s a Balloon choir which I honour her for each and every day. The secret is learning to listen not to sing the words. Here is one of her songs to explain why she has such an exquisite ability to do so: Invisible Indivisible.

There are a lot of quotes about the love of music and it is my joy to select them and interpret what they mean to me: Here we go –


1. This statement is very truthful, I have never been able to get into death metal or people who are racist and sexist.


2. I am sure we all have our favourite up and down songs, probably two or three. Think of yours as you listen to one of my all time fave love songs: Let’s Stay Together.


3. Feelings are said to have colours, I agree with the sentiment expressed in this quotes that they also have sounds, rage is aargh and love is aaw to me.


4. You can be stock still to it, you can also be in a state of total chaos but there is always a solution to whatever problem you are facing in your music collection, it might even be the sounds of nature.20 minutes of natures bliss.


5. Because I like puns.


6. Seems Plato was a music dude as well as one of the worlds great philosophers. Here’s some Soul of the Universe music : I am a Soul.


7. Unlike native languages music is understood in every country on every continent of our planet. From Antarctica to Iceland the dulcet tones of an instrument can unite people from all races.


8. Well, I didn’t expect her to be a news anchor. Here’s a news musical Clip: Not the 9 O’clock news.


9. You can put her on in the mood you need to talk about at any time and it doesn’t cost you 200 dollars.


10. How often have you heard music being performed where you forget to eat and drink. I recently went to see one of my favourite ex rock gods Stephen Cummings, lead singer of one of Australia biggest bands in the 1970’s the Sports now a much loved singer songwriter who plays to crowds of 40, here is one of my favourite Steve songs: When Love comes Back to Haunt You.


11. Kavisha, who I mentioned before used to lead a session called Empty Sky, there would be 5 minute breaks of silence between silence. She believed that was where the magic and the healing lay.


12. Not Might mouse Modest Mouse, they are actually a band – The band’s name is derived from a passage from the Virginia Woolf story “The Mark on the Wall,” which reads, “I wish I could hit upon a pleasant track of thought, a track indirectly reflecting credit upon myself, for those are the pleasantest thoughts, and very frequent even in the minds of modest, mouse-coloured people, who believe genuinely that they dislike to hear their own praises. In Australia there is only one song you can use to depict the soul, here it is: Soul Kind of Feeling.


13. Best known for his Fanfare for the Common Man, Aaron Copland was an American composer, composition teacher, writer, and later in his career a conductor of his own and other American music. Instrumental in forging a distinctly American style of composition, in his later years he was often referred to as “the Dean of American Composers” and is best known to the public for the works he wrote in the 1930s and 1940s in a deliberately accessible style often referred to as “populist” and which the composer labelled his “vernacular” style.


14. Yes it’s mi-spelt but that is the joy of this form of music , its can be corny and yet so deep. My favourite is alternative country and my favourite artist : Gillian Welch.



15. As my musical ownership list proves , I totally believe in music, and I also believe in Unicorns.

pink unicorn 

Thanks for letting me write about my addiction once again, every little bit heelp on the path to recovery.

Namaste until next time my dear friends







Are you telling a great Story?

My friend Emeli has chosen Stories as the theme of her next workshop, based on stories can carry us, or break us: Collective Potential. At different times in our lives we listen to different stories, some empowering , others that take us to the depths of despair. What is it that has us choose to stop listening to the empowering ones? I have a friend who never seems to do this , he says he does it by concentrating on living in the moment.

There are many varieties of quotes that relate to our stories, I think I have chosen wisely in the 15 I have selected today, let us begin our journey.


1. Delicious ambiguity, what a beautiful term. Add some zest to your life by not knowing what the next moment is going to be.


2. What were your favourite kids stories, I liked Charlie Brown.  Sir Terence David John “Terry” Pratchett, OBE was an English author of fantasy novels, especially comical works. He is best known for his Discworld series of 41 novels. Pratchett’s first novel, The Carpet People, was published in 1971; after the first Discworld novel, The Colour of Magic, was published in 1983, he wrote two books a year on average. His 2011 Discworld novel Snuff was at the time of its release the third-fastest-selling hardback adult-readership novel since records began in the UK, selling 55,000 copies in the first three days. His final Discworld novel, The Shepherd’s Crown, was published in August 2015, five months after his death.


3. That voice in your head speak in words like I am and I always. The stories of our life link us, such as I have two sisters Ruth and Jann and an older brother Hugo. Christina Baldwin is founder of , Peerspirit.com living on our planet with Nature powerfully.


4. As young children we have imaginary friends, believe in Unicorns and the fae. Society seems to delight in suppressing these as we grow older. Terry Prachett speaks to those of us that survive this.


5. My writing teacher Catherine Deveny, The Dev says you should always be truthful in your words. then you don’t have to remember what you said or wrote, because it is the truth.


6. 7 billion of them, each unique. Make it as good a one as it can be.


7. This to me is a Sacred Story from a life of Sacred love.


8. Perfectionism is the booby prize, how do you enjoy the journey?


9. Memories are often written in a song – some Elvis : Memories.


10. Neil Gaiman gave one of the most inspirational commencement speeches ever about making some art, its long but worth the time : Make some Art.


11. Putting Yellow stickies on our fridges to express our feelings to our beloved, a noble past time.


12. Sacred Love – to be told or tell someone I Love You and realising that It never has to be said again but that it will for the rest of their lives.


13. Terry Prachett again. Who is going to write your story, moi or someone else?


14. ANNA QUINDLEN is a novelist and journalist whose work has appeared on fiction, nonfiction, and self-help bestseller lists. She is the author of eight novels: Object Lessons, One True Thing, Black and Blue, Blessings, Rise and Shine, Every Last One, Still Life with Bread Crumbs, and Miller’s Valley. Her memoir Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake, published in 2012, was a number one New York Times bestseller. Her book A Short Guide to a Happy Life has sold more than a million copies. While a columnist at The New York Times she won the Pulitzer Prize and published two collections, Living Out Loud and Thinking Out Loud. Her Newsweek columns were collected in Loud and Clear. She loves London : Streets of London.


15. A reminder for number 15. Only you can remember how you see the world, so tell those stories proudly. You are a divine being.

Remember behind every favourite song, there is an untold story. Please tell your Sacred stories.

Namaste until next time my dear friends.
