Freedom is a State of Mind!!

Going off the grid for 5 days from 6AM tomorrow morning, off to Confest for the first time in 30 years with two of my friends who are Confest virgins. A little about the festival: ConFest (Conference/Festival) is a gathering of people wishing to share talents, skills, ideas, concerns and philosophies in a caring fun loving and tolerant atmosphere. The presentation of workshops, demonstrations, entertainments and the maintenance of site facilities are all performed by volunteers, monetary payment is neither accepted nor made.

At ConFest, people often set up villages with differing themes. ConFest is a clothing optional space, this means ConFesters can wear, or not wear anything they chose. Everywhere at ConFest is clothes optional. Don’t be surprised to have a naked ticket collector when you arrive at the ConFest gate. Clothing can range from nothing to body paint, a coat of mud, a sheet, a fairy costume, even a ball gown or dinner suit. At ConFest, clothing is not gendered specific. There is just one simple rule, respect other ConFester’s choices. A long-running and very popular ConFest tradition is the communal artist’s studio. Activities include body and sign painting, life drawing, clay work, organic art, photography etc. Artists, models and workshop facilitators are always welcome.

I am looking forward to returning, last time I went it was around 1,000 people, it is now over 6,000. How do 6,000 people express their own individual shades of freedom? Then, how does society comment on personal freedom, let’s have a look:


1. I love that saying, there is only climbing.


2. Its all in the air: The Air that I Breathe.


3. Thucydides has been called the father of the school of political realism, which views the political behaviour of individuals and the subsequent outcomes of relations between states as ultimately mediated by and constructed upon the emotions of fear and self-interest.


4. You got to fight for the right to…: You’ve got to Fight…


5. Mail, Key, Bike, etc. etc. etc.


6. There are rules that you are not meant to follow in your life, they are your bullshit rules: Nkosi Sikilel iAfrika.


7. The next step after freedom.


8. I . have met many of these fine people in the past six years of my healing journey, far too many to mention, you know who you are, Thank you: Love Street.


9. It travels hand in hand with integrity.


10. Nothing, Nada, No way, Fuck Off: No Way, Get Fucked, Fuck Off.


11. One word – Rumi!!


12. It may be known as Nirvana: Come as You Are.


13. Ask, expect. depend: Cry Freedom.


14. The curly haired eccentric one knows how to say it: Believe.


15. And our final lesson, two words: Fuck Yes.

What workshops will I do, they go all day supposedly. I will do ones that touch my heart.

Today’s playlist is great. A classic from The Hollies, The Beastie Boys next imploring you to …, A stirring National Anthem is thrown in next. Three of my faves from different eras, The Doors, The Angels from OZ, finishing with Nirvana. Mumford and Sons close it out with a plea to our senses: Freedom is a State of Mind.

Freedom to me would be the world living from Love and Respect for All, Everyone Included. Until we meet again on the other side, my dear friends.





Never tell people how to do Things, Tell them what to Do.

This list is from John C. Maxwell’s excellent book: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Get It Here.

What would happen if a top expert with more than thirty years of leadership experience was willing to distil everything he had learned about leadership into a handful of life-changing principles just for you? It would change your life! John C. Maxwell has done exactly that in “21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”. He has combined insights learned from his thirty-plus years of leadership successes and occasional mistakes with observations from the worlds of business, politics, sports, religion, and military conflict. The result is a revealing study of leadership delivered as only a communicator like Maxwell can. Here is the list:


1. The Law of the Lid. There’s a lid to your potential; it’s determined by your leadership ability. Therefore, expand your leadership capacity and expand your ability to impact the world.

2. The Law of Influence. As Maxwell says a number of times throughout the book, “The true measure of leadership is influence—nothing more, nothing less.”

3. The Law of Process. We can’t snap our fingers and become great leaders overnight. Maxwell tells us: “Leadership develops daily, not in a day.” 

4. The Law of Navigation. Steering the ship is relatively easy. Leaders chart the course—seeing where they want to go and charting the most effective course to get there.

5. The Law of Addition. Leaders serve. They focus on creating value for others. It’s not so much “What’s in it for me?” but “How can I serve?” That’s the law of addition.

6. The Law of Solid Ground. Maxwell tells us that trust is the foundation of leadership. We must stand on the solid ground of solid character—living with integrity, being trustworthy.

7. The Law of Respect. People “naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves.” We must cultivate our strength if we want people to respect us and be willing to follow our lead.

8. The Law of Intuition. As Emerson says, we must trust ourselves—“every heart vibrates to that iron string.” As a mentor of mine once said, “Trust yourself. Always.”

9. The Law of Magnetism. Who you ARE is who you will attract. Want to attract great people? BE GREAT. That’s the law of magnetism.

10. The Law of Connection. We must connect with others. Maxwell tells us, “Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand.”

11. The Law of Inner Circle. Our potential as leaders is determined by those closest to us. Whose in your inner circle?

12. The Law of Empowerment. You need to be confident enough to give power to others. Trust yourself and trust your team to crush it.

13. The Law of the Picture. People will do what they see. We need to create a “picture” of what awesome looks like which inspires people to follow our lead. Embody your ideals.

14. The Law of Buy-In. You have a great vision. Fantastic. (And essential.) But know this: People buy into YOU, the leader before they buy into the vision.

15. The Law of Victory. Victory. Leaders are FIERCELY committed to winning. Period. That relentless pursuit of victory is essential. (We’ll chat about this more as well.)

16. The Law of Big Mo. Mr Momentum. Is a very close friend of effective leaders. We need to create (and celebrate!) little wins—always remembering that progress is uber-powerful.

17. The Law of Priorities. It’s not enough to be busy. We need to be effective. Leaders take the time to properly line up their dominoes and focus on what’s most important.

18. The Law of Sacrifice. The higher you go, the more you need to be willing to give up. Leaders trade-off freedom with responsibility.

19. The Law of Timing. As Jim Collins says in Great By Choice, not all moments are created equal. Leaders know when to lean in and seize the moment.

20. The Law of Explosive Growth. Maxwell tells us about “leader’s math”—if you want to multiply your growth, create more LEADERS not followers.

21. The Law of Legacy. What do you want people to say at your funeral? Leaders keep this vision firmly in mind and dedicate their lives to its fulfilment. A quick inventory: Favourites? Strengths? Weaknesses?

“In a study of ninety leaders from a variety of fields, leadership experts Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus made a discovery about the relationship between growth and leadership: ‘It is the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguish leaders from their followers.’ Successful leaders are learners. And the learning process is ongoing, a result of self-discipline and perseverance. The goal each day must be to get a little better, to build on the previous day’s progress.

So how many of the Laws do you work on daily, here’s what the world says about Leadership:


1. You can’t do it on your own, Go that way and it will work out is what the leader is there for.


2. Master, Miss, Ms, Dr, Mrs, Mister, they are titles, being a leader is not: If You’re Out There.


3. Actions not words, Leadership 101.


4. Obviously, they are speaking about Donald Trumps leadership style, aren’t they: When I’m Gone.


5. I don’t take up the Challenge every day, do you?


6. Presence, Presence, Presence, Leadership: My Immortal.


7. Mark Yarnell died in 2015, lauded as the Worlds greatest network Marketer, he was truly inspiring — “I’ve lived a “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” life he said. “I’ve squeezed every ounce of joy out of every single day. It’s been an absolute blast!” And, he encouraged each of us to become the best possible version of ourselves while living a life of freedom.


8. Even for your mistakes, that’s what real leadership is: Responsibility.


9. Are you the former or the latter, Your Choice.


10. Trying leadership on: Try.


11. Word origin of ‘courage’: Middle Eastern & Old French – corage, heart, spirit  Latin cor, heart. Where we find our passion, In the heart.


12. I recently came back in contact with Fiona, the woman who showed the leadership to get 13 disparate individuals to travel from Australia to Moscow to run a marathon in the name of ending world hunger, her leadership was inspirational at the time. It was the year before the Berlin Wall came down and communism ended in Russia: Fight Song. 



13. Remember, it’s your actions that create the opportunities for others to become leaders too.


14. I would change the middle quotes to Goes there own Way: Go Your Own Way.


15. It’s OK to take walks, but it’s leadership that makes the difference after all.

As author Hans Finzel observed, ‘Leaders are paid to be dreamers. The higher you go in leadership, the more your work is about the future. At the same time, leaders are practical enough to know that vision without action achieves nothing. They make themselves responsible for helping their followers take action.” Great leaders are BOTH visionary *and* practical.

Today’s songs begin with John Legend, then we travel to the rap of Eminem. Rock takes over for the next three tracks with Evanescence, MxPx and Janis Joplin. It closes out with a very cute video of Rachell Platten and a whole lot of kids and finishes with a classic Fleetwood Mac number: Never tell people how to do Things, tell them what to Do

Namaste until next time, my dear friends.


Small dreams have no Magic!!

Question: Will you still do it if your dreams might not come true? If the payoff doesn’t come in this lifetime? Would you still work to accrue beautiful karma and positive thought-forms.

Devotion to truth seeking takes something. You may have to let people go, walk the path alone, ask for help on the way, not know what the fuck is going on and all these things may happen within one day.

Danielle LaPorte states that devotion is the bridge to your soul and joy is your soul’s reflection. Happiness comes and goes but joy is ever present.

So what are your truths on the way to devotion, what does society say about them:


1. To walk the path of your truth is to lead a moral life, not a life of morality where rules are used to belittle how you show up in life.


2. Mark Twain once said it’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled, the mainstream media has a lot to answer for, do not buy their bullshit: It’s a Family Affair


3. Mahatma held high standards, devotion to truth being one of them.


4. Sometimes what actually happens is more bizarre than anything that could have been imagined. For me this happened when I ran down the main street of Leningrad at 5.30 one afternoon in the name of ending world hunger: Far from Any Road.


5. A Facebook friend posted Should we tell white lies, I’m not for them, we have a new generation that lacks strength because of them.


6. Love this quote, it has some great practices contained in it to empower your life: The Greatest.


7. Author of the inspirational book The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Sogyal Rinpoche places devotion squarely in the area of gratitude, have you been grateful today? Have you acknowledged anyone for it?


8. Grover Cleveland, born March 18, 1837, was a tough opponent of political corruption who fiercely guarded the integrity of the offices in which he served. He lost a second term as incumbent but won back the presidency four years later. He earned the nickname ”guardian president” for his record-breaking use of veto power and strengthened the executive branch, ushering in the modern presidential era. A certain D. J. Trump would love him for this: Doing It Right.

9. Grace is so wonderful, it is hard to

find the words to describe her.

She is to be truly beautiful reflecting

an unparallel sense of eternity.

This Amazing Grace

Amazing grace.
10. How did they know 2,000 years ago what state mainstream media would end up in: Why would I tell you the Truth?
11. Most governments in the world seem to have got part of this wrong, the little bit at the end.
12. Truth resides within your inner journey, outside is the playing pieces: The Truth.
13. Nicholas Charles Sparks is an American novelist, screenwriter and producer. He has published eighteen novels and two non-fiction books. Several of his novels have become international bestsellers, and eleven of his romantic-drama novels have been adapted to film with multimillion-dollar box office grosses. In his spare time, Sparks volunteers at his local retirement home.
14. He didn’t say it, she did. Audrey Hepburn said this magnificent quote of belief:
I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles: You Sexy Thing.

15. We go back to Jim Carrey’s great line, all there is is a choice between Fear and Love, why would you not choose the latter.
I wanted you to see what real courage is instead of getting the idea that courage os a man with a gun in his hand. It is when you know you’re licked before you begin. But you begin anyway and see it through no matter what: Atticus Finch, in To Kill a Mockingbird
Namaste until next time, my dear friends.

We are a work in progress!!

Disruptive Engagement – what does Brene Brown mean by that term: It’s quite long but worthwhile -To reignite creativity, innovation, and learning, leaders must re-humanize education and work. This means understanding how scarcity is affecting the way we lead and work, learning how to engage with vulnerability, and recognizing and combating shame. Make no mistake: honest conversations about vulnerability and shame are disruptive. The reason that we are not having these conversations in our organizations is that they shine the light in dark corners. Once there is language, awareness, and understanding, turning back is almost impossible and carries with it severe consequences. We all want to dare greatly. If you give us a glimpse into that possibility, we’ll hold on to it as our vision.

To me it is engagement through the community, accepting self-love and love of others and giving your identity up. The juice is from service to others. I put in engagement quotes to find pictures and got a whole lot of rings and vows of deep love so I changed it to committed engagement and these are what came up. Let’s journey:


1. Be responsible for your life, it’s your engagement and stand for what it is that creates the story that will be told after you have passed.


2. He really did look like an eccentric 60’s hippie philosopher. Alan Watts is quoted by humanists, community builders, and generally good people: Work and Play.


3. Doing Life – How do you do yours? Is it a joyous journey you wake up every morning screaming Yes!!!!!! Or is it a life of darkness?


4. Being silent is being busy if you planned it. I have many friends who have attended the 10-day Vispanna meditation retreat and said it was the hardest thing they had done and the best thing they had done all in the same breath: The Devil goes Down to Georgia.


5. How could you not choose this imagery and message, that’s why I said you need to give up your identity.


6. Engagement is a day to day adventure, make sure you do not wait to begin it: Alive.


7. Such a beautiful smile from a person who brings so much joy to the world. Can’t help but agree if you are fully engaged in loving your friends and family you are totally engaged in life.


8. Have you found a cause to sacrifice yourself into? They say it is the ultimate experience in your life. Parenthood is said to be this for many: Soul Sacrifice.


9. The Latter-day Saints base their religion on many hands engaged in a good cause> If you have ever been to Salt lake City you will never get lost as the first fifty streets around the temple are named Temple North, South , East and West.


10. I think it’s meant to be an anti-war slogan: The Universal Soldier.


11. Helen Keller definitely has the right to say this, I agree wholeheartedly.


12. Often people go and do self-development programs and get screamed out to go out and Do It Now, one big man being famous for it. Move at your own pace, its the only one you can: Piece of my Heart.


13. 7,000,000,000 unique folk battling a media who are trying to make you conform to fit a corrupted image of what it is to be human. Fight the good fight.


14. perhaps if we did this before doing it with a physical being there would not be so many of these: D.I.V.O.R.C.E.


15. There are heroes, and then there’s us, transforming the world one act at a time.

What you engage in will create your life. Think about that for a moment. Any change you want to make?

Namaste until next time, my dear friends.








Team Work makes the Dream Work!!

I was cleaning up my apartment the other day when I found my old Synergy sticker. Synergy is an all night dance event that works because so many people put their time and efforts into making it work. Thats the definition of Synergy: the interaction or cooperation of two or more people, organisations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects: “the synergy between artist and record company”:

synonyms: collaboration · working together · joint action · combined effort · teamwork · mutual support · partnership · coopetition · coordination · liaison · association · unity · concurrence · concord · accord · understanding · give and take · compromise · dealings · relations · coaction.

It been realised for a very long time that synergy works, what have we said about it over this time, lets have a look:


1. Stephen Richards Covey (October 24, 1932 – July 16, 2012) was an American educator, author, businessman, and keynote speaker. His most popular book was The Habits of Highly Effective People. His other books include First Things FirstPrinciple-Centered LeadershipThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective FamiliesThe 8th Habit, and The Leader In Me — How Schools and Parents Around the World Are Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time. He was a professor at the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University at the time of his death.


2. Another way of looking at synergy is to take all the natural brilliance of the people involved and mix them together and look at what pours out: Team.


3. How do we exploit all the advantages people have? Use synergy as the base for all enterprise I say.


4. si-nar-je , that for my Chinese english students. They would find the original spelling difficult: Rise.


5. James Bond AKA Pierce Brosnan was involved in a campaign that used the synergy a campaign brings to amend when the navy had their training exercises so that mass migrations were not affected.


6. Branson doesn’t merely say things like, “Screw it, just get on and do it.” He actually lives his life that way. He drops out of school and starts a business. He signs the Sex Pistols to his record label when everyone else says they are too controversial. He charters a plane when he doesn’t have the money. When everyone else balks or comes up with a good reason for why the time isn’t right, Branson gets started. He realises the power of synergy: Richard on People.


7. This is what may hold the creation of synergy back, thinking that you are not that. You don’t need to be. Someone else on your team will be.


8. Toba Beta is sci-fi writer from Indonesia. He works as economist/practitioner in Indonesia financial industries and capital market. He is dubbed as Mister Bond by Investor Magazine. He writes journals, novels, quotes and poems. This is quite a powerful quote: Open Book.


9. Love this quote, it expresses all that is positive about using synergy in your life.


10. I find it difficult to relate to people who attempt to split their personal and work life into two different aspects. They are all hours spent living int eh same day, the same lifetime: A Day in the Life.


11. Ou were you? I’m a proof reader by profession as well as a blogger. Just a little oops there.


12. This is a great way to relate to other in a situation that requires synergy to evolve: Karma.


13. I believe it also takes action, thoughts are fine, but no action equals nada, nothing, zip, etc. etc.


14. Isn’t this just so beautiful. A big Aww from me: Never let you Go.


15. Here’s another great definition of Synergy.

So I hope this helps you focus on your dreams and the power working with Synergy will bring to them.

Namaste until next time , my dear friends.



It was not in your Textbooks!!

I love TED talks. 18 minutes of possibility and passion. I’m reading a book called Talk like Ted, because, yes, I have a deep wish to do one, it’s on my bucket list. Titanic explorer Robert Ballard in TED 2008 started his talk with ” Everything I’m going to present to you was not in my textbooks when I went to school. ”

So I ponder why education departments hold so stringently onto outdated technologies and teaching methods as the above statement changes at a more rapid rate. here’s his TED talk: Exploring the Oceans.

The New is what is taking us forward, allowing for what we know already, but it is the added bits that will make the difference.

Let us meander down the path we are  being taken by the newness in our lives:


1. Oh, but for the brave experimenters, we would not have the electric light, the solar panel. The people who invented these things knew that the journey came with mistakes. That they did not have the answer instantly.


1. When I was sixteen I did not know that I would run marathons when another sixteen had passed. Or that I would run down the main street of Leningrad with the mayor in the name of Ending World Hunger: I’m not Afraid


3. Doe Zantamata is an author, artist, and photographer. In addition to the Happiness in Your Life book series, she also creates and designs poster books of different titles, including “Happy By Nature,” “Old Children, A Book for “Adults”,” and others. Doe has been writing since before she could tie her shoes. In addition to writing, she enjoys nature, history, and is an animal welfare advocate. She also runs a blog at with daily posts.


4. What would you want to be posted on your mini whiteboard that they could use later in your life: Live Your Life.


5. One thing guaranteed life will change, be new, moment by moment. Remember this when you wake up each beautiful morning.


6. I’m old enough to remember Hawkeye from M.A.S.H. From his credits he had this not in the textbook thing down pat: Theme from MASH.


7. On this path, you have to let go of some things you have attachments to. Trust the magic.


8. A new project, travel to a new country, a new love affair. Your feelings are jolted in these situations: Feelings.


9. William Arthur Ward is one of America’s most quoted writers of inspirational maxims. His column Pertinent Proverbs has been featured in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and in numerous service club publications throughout the United States and abroad. He is one of the most frequently quoted writers in the pages of Quote, the international weekly digest for public speakers.


10. There is a quote that points out we all have the same amount of time in the day as Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and HHDL. When I posted it on Facebook my brother went apeshit. This fact can be quite challenging: Absolute Beginners.


11. Don’t think that this is at the forefront of my mind as I travel through the day, I will remember it now, though.


12. Is it a creation if you already know how to do it: Imagine.


13. From the great Paulo Coelho, one simple word – “Hello”.


14. It didn’t work that time. Start again, from little steps big things grow: Starting Something: M.J.


15. How many mistakes a day do you make?

Got a little bit off the subject on the way through, but remember, what is dominant in our society was not in the textbooks you read at school.

Namaste until next time , my dear friends.


Go back to where you came From!!

My country made a sad decision today, it legalised the right to keep children who were born in this country in prison camps on remote islands where known cases of child abuses take place because their parents are supposedly illegal refugees.

What does this word refugee mean, the definition of it is quite clear:

According to the United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees [PDF], as amended by its 1967 Protocol (the Refugee Convention), a refugee is a person who is:

  • outside their own country and
  • has a well-founded fear of persecution due to his/ her race, religion, nationality, member of a particular social group or political opinion, and is
  • unable or unwilling to return.

Yet we in our own country use terms like border protection and lock up children for up to a period of over 12 months, I call this inhumane and not meeting the above guidelines.

What has been said about refugees over the ages, have we improved the way we deal with them. There are many famous refugees, I had no clue Freddy Mercury was one, fleeing after the 1964 Zanzibar revolution.

Here are Fifteen quotes I have chosen to look at more useful ways to deal with refugees.

Refugee 1

1. I work in a place who dealt with the first wave of Asylum Seekers in Australia, many of them Iranian. I will give an examples changing his name. Ali worked as an airport Manager, his younger brother was accused of political dissent. Ali was called in by the police and tortured for two weeks  and on release told next time he would not leave alive. He fled the country, leaving everything behind the following day. It took him 9 months to get to Australia, and yes he came by boat.

Refugee 2

2. Name calling by the media, used to demean not empower or open people’s hearts to these people who have suffered unimaginable atrocities that people who live in area of war do. The only way I can relate to the effects of it are when I was in Leningrad and our guide said to imagine what happened here in a 2 year period kill 1 in 5 of the people you know and that is what occurred here.

Refugee 3

3. I saw the drone shots Russia took of the cities of Syria, as this quotes states refugees often have no choice, there is nothing to go back to. We are just very lucky to have never experienced this in our country.

Refugee 4

4. Probably the worlds most famous refugee is Einstein. A German Jew, his work was discredited by the Nazi Party. He was one of the lucky one who got out early in 1932 and went out to make some of the most significant scientific discoveries of the modern era.

Refugee 5

5. Tonn Benn served in the British parliament for 47 years as was seen as being the most left wing member of his party. He did not hold back in stating what he saw as the dangers of his right wing opponents, this is one of his most famous quotes.

Refugee 6

6. Famous for We turned back the boats and Team Australia sometimes our politicians forget and let their heart slip out, this was one such occasion.

Refugee 7

7. Go back home, to what?

Refugee 8

8. I love the poster of two earth’s , one with all the flags over it and the other as it actually is , One planet. Then no one would be illegal.

Refugee 9

9. They say that the strength of your team is measured by your weakest link, what does that say about planet earth and its treatment of our refugees.

Refugee 10

10. This picture speaks to the UN convention relating to the status of Refugees, designed to do exactly what it says. Delivery, Comfort and Mercy.

Refugee 11

11.  “Refugees are people like anyone else, like you and me. They led ordinary lives before becoming displaced, and their biggest dream is to be able to live normally again. On this World Refugee Day, the 20th June let us recall our common humanity, celebrate tolerance and diversity and open our hearts to refugees everywhere.”

Ban Ki-moon, Secretary of The UN pointing out with there is no such thing as Us and Them.

Refugee 12

12. Taken from the glorious song by Leonard Cohen Anthem. to me means that we give love as though like we have lost our country and are stateless, a pure love of mercy.

Refugee 13

13. This is being questioned with the current refugee crisis sweeping Europe. perhaps they need to send the political leaders on a holiday to Syria for a week or two and it would be put in perspective.

Refugee 14

14. This poem was written by a Somali refugee commenting on what happened to his country and how he thought before the war and after the war when he became one.

Refugee 15

15. A sign that says it all, not needing the political or economic commentary, just the humane one. Please when commenting on they should go back home, remember this, especially in our country where a great majority of our immigrants were refugees.

I had to stop halfway through writing this, we had a U.N. Interfaith Harmony Week event, the ethos if this week is Love of God, and Love of the Neighbour. They has youth speakers from six different faiths, aged from 12 to 20 they all spoke of love and compassion. This gives me great hope for the future of refugees.

Namaste until next Monday my dear friends.





Stand by your?

I made one of the toughest decisions in a long time the other day. I told the woman I thought could be my soul-mate to go away. I had sent her an SMS message daily , that’s the way she liked to communicate, for the past five months what I liked or loved about her.

Yet she continually reminded me that I was being negative towards her and seemed to store them in a negativity database to bring out when she felt like. The last time she did it was during a conversation where she contacted me saying she had been sad and teary and thanking me for my latest SMS.

I offered to stop what I was doing and come and see her. It went through this weird process which ended up in her messaging she was not sure whether she wanted to see me due to my negativity. This is why I do not like communicating by SMS, it is totally impersonal and can be misconstrued by both parties.

I have chosen 15 quotes about breaking up, one of the things I used to consider the hardest thing to do. Here they are.


1. It takes you to get to that point where you know your rights are being abused before you say enough is enough, do it and hope they get the message .


2. My heart has been hurting since I did it, The last thing I wrote was that PS I still love you, but self love has to come first.


3. It takes something to do this, you argue with yourself remembering the good times, and I will miss them so much. But I have grown as a person over the last six months and know what I want in my life


4. The she’ll be right syndrome. The horses head on the meal table Say it like the image you prefer but you have to go all the way down in your relationships to come out the other side.


5. Not at this point yet, far to soon and my heart is still hurting. But I can relate to the concept, it seems it will open space for me.


6. I told her that I would change my life to see her more often because I did think of her a lot when doing things wishing I was that she was there. Now I won’t have to, shame really.


7. I’m not sure if this is true for me at the moment, they say you should fight cat and dog for those you love.


8. I didn’t realising it was hurting me until the last time, I had always apologised for doing it, then realised I wasn’t the person she was referring to, so got the lesson.


9. In my heart I don’t want to do this, but my anxiety level says something else, that for my health I need to or have it dramatically change.


10. This is a nice way of putting it, perhaps they should put it on all government forms.


11. I thought I was satisfied with where I was at, my truth had other ideas and said stand up for yourself.


12. Self explanatory, this is the silly humorous quote in case I got a little too serious.


13. Was I asleep, it didn’t feel like it. Will discover this over the next few weeks.


14. I suppose it happens in all friendships, that there is a honeymoon period. When you are not contacted for several days you realise that its over.


15. What would it be like if you had an unbreakable heart, I think it would have to be made of plastic. Meanwhile we journey down the Yellow brick road of Relationships.

I am getting sadder and sadder as I write this , yet I stand for my decision to have the right not to be criticized on an ongoing basis.

Namaste until next time my dear friends


The one Life we Know we Have

I am doing a personal development course Sunday run by two of my friends called NOW – The Art of having it All. They start the event blurb with the following line – Do you sometimes feel like a 40, 000 year old sage in some areas…And a shit scared 4 year old in others?.

A fantastic question. How would it be to live life full out in all areas. Here’s an explanation of what living life full out means for one person, Nancy Solari, life coach , radio host and best selling author who happens to be legally blind. Here’s the link to her webpage Living Full Out

I have been part of a group of runners who had the main street of Leningrad, Nevsky Prospekt interrupted on a Friday Afternoon for us to run down with the mayor of Leningrad and other dignitaries to support Ending World Hunger. I have also been hospitalized for major depression five times. Is this having it all. I couldn’t keep up the commitment that saw me run down that promenade and make a huge difference to world relations, I also ran the Moscow peace Marathon when I was there and after a few years my knees told me that they didn’t like  me running 100 kilometres a week anymore.

here are the fifteen quotes I have chosen on the subject, some from the famous, others quite unknown.


1. We have an official retirement age, in out country it is 65. People live to their 80’s in retirement. Wayne Dyer tells a story where a passenger on an airplane asked him how long he had been retired when he was about 70 years old. Wayne replied why do you think I am retired. I will retire the day they put me in a box. He lived up to this touring Australia the week before he recently passed away.


2. Leonardo Da Vinci left many a great gift to the planet. One of his obsessions was flight, he created designs for helicopters and gliders centuries before they came into being. This quote has also survived from his time. This link is to some other amazing things he did Why the sky is blue.


3. I have found that I feel the most full and content when I am doing good deeds that assist people and the planet. Focusing on myself takes me down a path that is not a great place to be.


4. How often my mind has said to me that you can’t do that, or no one will listen to you is uncountable. When I have achieved my greatest  triumphs is when I have said thank you for sharing and ignored it allowing for me to breakthrough and get it done.


5. The joy and imagination of youth where nothing is impossible. Oh but if we could bottle this and drink its essence when the naysayers said to behave ourselves as we got older.


6. The story we tell our-self about how we are travelling in life is what makes possible apathy or success. Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King had stories just like us. Change yours if you want to live life more fully.


7. Popes and dying. The Eastern philosophies teach that you cannot really live until you realize that you are going to die one day. Our whole society in the west is focused on denying this until the moment it happens.


8. I love these 4 things. The lines that you can barely read say like no one is watching you, like you have never been hurt, like no one can hear you and as though heaven was on earth. 4 prescriptions to live full out without excuses.


9. Postscript , you cannot change that which has gone before, write your dreams down and go at it full bore, the past won’t care.


10. Ever had those days were you laugh and smile uncontrollably. They are the special ones. Replicate them as often as possible and you will live a fantastic life.


11. My friend Emeli has a saying, Get real, Get it Done. It is a fantastic way to look at life, because living it through another’s ideals or wishes is fake as it can be, your heart will shatter into a million pieces eventually.


12. We actually are living our lives full out moment to moment. Just that a lot of the time we know we could do better. Seek out resources to help you break through when you become blocked in your creativity.


13. We all have this silly assumption that we will wake up tomorrow, some people don’t and really we never know when it will be our turn. Big dreams full out, action like we only have this moment to fulfill them


14. I had a friend at high school who I wrote The Boston Gobbler, a satirical look at our life in a rural Victorian town. it lasted three episodes because the thrusting horses in the letters to the editor offended our conservative Christian head master. I gave up having my words in print for 40 years because i let the opinion of someone else define who I became. I love writing with a passion.


15. Whoever and whatever you believe about being brought to this mortal plane, it was for a purpose or it would not be your turn. make it a brilliant one.

I am looking forward to Sunday, Jules and Clare are brilliant facilitators and live their lives full of purpose more than most.

until next time Namaste my dear friends.


There’s Serendipity in Every step if you wish there to be.

Serendipity is a word that is not used that often in our society but to me, it is a powerul force in our psyches. Wikipedia defines it the following way :

Serendipity means a “fortunate happenstance” or pleasant surprise“. It was coined by Horace Walpole in 1754. In a letter he wrote to a friend Walpole explained an unexpected discovery he had made by reference to a Persian fairy tale, The Three Princes of Serendip. The princes, he told his correspondent, were “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”.

The notion of serendipity is a common occurrence throughout the history of scientific innovation such as Alexander Fleming‘s accidental discovery of penicillin in 1928, the invention of the microwave oven by Percy Spencer in 1945, and the invention of the Post-it note by Spencer Silver in 1968.

The word has been voted one of the ten English words hardest to translate in June 2004 by a British translation company.[1] However, due to its sociological use, the word has been exported into many other languages.[2]

I recently made a very dear and special friend without there being any intention to do so on the day I met her. It has been a pleasant surprise that has transformed a part of my life that had been dormant for many a year.

Here are the 15 quotes I have chosen on the matter with my insights into them.


1. I met my first real serious relationship when my friends younger sister sang you made me love you, I didn’t want to do it to me at her 18th Birthday. This was not an older man trying to hit on a younger women. It was pure serendipity at work.


2. At times it feels like you fall into things that matter most in your life. I became part of a running team that had the main street of Leningrad shut down on a Friday Afternoon in the name of Ending Hunger with the mayor and other dignities because we were sent to see the wrong person because of a language misunderstanding.


3. I chose this one because I do not know what it really means. Something like the classic song Pleasure and Pain by seminal Aussie The Divinyls : Lover, Lover.


4. Ser-uh n-dip-i-tee, they say English is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn because it is said differently from how it is written, this would support that premise.


5. Do you have an aptitude for serendipity, are you one of the lucky ones. I think it is your positive attitude to life that increases the opportunities of it occurring.


6. Here we are, chugging along in life, going to work, coming home to eat and watch T.V., going out with our friends and then we meet a person who will transform that. My friend Barry met his wife on a debauched cricket trip to Sydney, which was 870 Kilometers from where we lived. Three $500 phone bills later at the demand of his housemates, me and her brother they reunited in Sydney and the rest is History.


7. The and and threw me a little. But listen to the message, you can’t plan your whole life, that reeks of perfectionism. Perfectionism is the booby prize in my eyes, stops you from starting many things in your life.


8. How often has you said to yourself: Self , now how did that happen but I am so glad it did. We do not always know that what we are looking for is the best thing for us.


9. The more awake you are to the planet more and more times Serendipity will magically happen for you, I know this as my Truth.


10. I recently read a book by my friend Tanishka which distinguishes between Soulmates, Twin Flames  and Your Beloved. The first two you meet to learn from, the third is your destiny presenting itself. You don’t logically choose, your heart does it for you.


11. What does Serendipity taste and smell like? for me is is the scent of Spring, when all is awakening and the beautiful smell of fresh flowers and blossoms fill the air.


12. Often when Serendipity enters our life, our logical mind will reject it as a fearful path to travel down, Eleanor Roosevelt was considered a rebellious women, as she says do the thing you mind says you cannot do, that’s where the treasure lies.


13. Rule number 5 is where Serendipity lives. I had spent years trying to know more to fix myself up. I recently starting doing Body and Breath work and my life transformed. Don’t wait 60 years like I did.


14. Serendipity does not live in the world of the Possible, that is the Arena of the logical mind. My friend Emeli did not meet Oprah Winfrey, The Dalai Lama and Sir Richard Branson by listening to the voice in her head that often says Who do you Think you are. Set yourself Impossible dreams, they are the only ones that make a difference.


15. Serendipity can have you make new deep friendships in the most unexpected places. We know when they are a Special One, these are the people to focus your time on , as the quote says Quality always trumps quality.

I am getting quicker and quicker at writing these blogs, my sister Jann , a research scientist spends hours on the information she uses in her blog Fire Up Water Down, which is about the elements and the profound influence they have on our lives. I’m a start typing and do the research via Google as I go type of guy.

Namaste until next time my dear friends.
