Who the hell are you?

Due to the interesting people I have among my 5000 Facebook friends, my friend Heather has said I should write about them.

Musicians, solicitors, photographers, politicians, and family

are just a few of my favourites.

Here is Marc and Angel’s offering:

  1. They face problems together.
  2. They give what they can because they truly care.
  3. They make time for each other.
  4. They offer each other freedom.
  5. They communicate effectively.
  6. They accept each other as is.
  7. They are genuine, and they expect genuineness
  8. .They compromise.
  9. They support each other’s growth and changes
  10. They believe in each other.
  11. They maintain realistic expectations of their relationships.
  12. They honour each other in small ways on a regular basis.
  13. They listen, and they hear every word.
  14. They keep their promises.
  15. They stick around.

The first friend, Carolia Arcadia, a psychologist from Romania.

Chantal Renee, Ohio’s leading Psychic.


Time is on my side.

Chad Ockstadt, a coach from the USA.


Lyudmila Podosyan – Odea photographer

Manny Wolfe, crypto king of Northern California.


Mangala Holland, Sexpert, London.

Sam Rogers, Journalist, North Carolina.


Dianne Lowe, self-employed, Missisipi.

Marco Aquita, realtor, Zarsgosta, Spain.


Cascia Honey, freelance musician , London.

Suzie Disuza, freelancer – London.

Arwen Larmiran – CEO, Manila.

Xavier Rudd: Yes, that one, the planet.


They are from all over the world, and so is interculturalism. Its up to us, because we can, Its our time. Love and respect for all, everybody included. To the 164 countries and 43,000 readers, until next time.

Here’s the playlist: bit.ly/3Qs708O

I want to be Happy versus lets lead an authentic life

A friendship that meant a lot to me ended when I recently received a voicemail stating that I did not make her feel happy when we were together. I have recently given up this low vibration way of life for one where people are authentic about where they are in their lives. I acknowledged that I was sad and advised the person that doing it via voice mail was as weak as opium. Eight hours later, she sent me another voicemail. I declined the offer

I want to be happy lives at the consciousness level of Life By Me. Where we struggle day to day to be something we are not, the personal development mantra of be happy and life will be wonderful, denies all the other emotions . I am realizing in conversations with more and more people that I no longer can live in this false universe versus one where people live a life of authenticity.

What do Marc and Angel have to say about this via one of their wonderful lists:

12 Lies to stop Telling Yourself:

  1. I don’t have enough yet to be. happy.
  2. My dreams are impossible.
  3. I am stuck with people who hurt me.
  4. My failed relationships were a waste of time.
  5. Things will. never get better.
  6. Failure is. bad.
  7. Great things will come to me effortlessly.
  8. My past is 100% indicative of my future.
  9. I never need to meet anyone new.
  10. I can’t live without those who are gone.
  11. I’m not ready because I’m not good enough yet.
  12. I have way too much to lose

We now move onto what society has said about being authentic over the years:

This is a life worth living.

Take the steps and have these things in your life.


You are the star in your own movie, no one leses.

Those of us who decide to do this are way way cool.

Cry Freedom.

To show up and be real, Yes Please.

Love is always the answer, Ragnar.

You are the George Lucas of your life, Make a great movie, you deserve it.

And who I am is authentic.

The cost of giving up your real life.

The desire to always be happy is a Personal. Development disease.

This is not an easy path to travel, be brave

Why I totally respect my new. mentor, Peter Sage.

How often in your life have you done these things and provided leadership?

So, my life is transforming as I hang around. I nearly died last week , when my brakes failed. My reaction was a thought, I nearly died, not a week long mental tirade about how it was unfair.

My purpose in life is to save the planet for my three year-old grand niece Tawera. I was at a documentary where the producers answered a Q and A. I asked a water biologist if Tawera had a chance of reaching 69, my current age. She also has two teenage children. Her answer, if we keep putting off what we need to do, probably not. but she had hope that the new generations were waking up and would do what it takes.

I have no idea how to do this. I live my life from my koan: Love and Respect for All, Everybody Included: Why; It’s up to us, Because we can, It’s our time. Do not think governments are going to do it, they survive to be in power.

Here is the playlist for your musical enjoyment: https://bit.ly/45OBCa9

To my readers in 160 countries, do yourself a favor and enroll in Unlimited Mindset’s 12 month training at PeterSage.com You can thank me at the stage when you understand what it is doing to your authenticity..

I miss you, Sage.

Death by a Thousand Cuts

Can listening to your mentor speak for an hour change your life at 69 years of age.. You bet your sweet bippy it can.

The subject: The four levels of consciousness which I wrote about quite recently, but as. I enter their power further and further, my life looks and feels so different that I just had to share the journey with someone, so you, whoever reads this are the chosen. few..

The four levels are:

  1. Life does it to me. AKA Victimhood
  2. Life By Me: Hard Yakka and struggle, a life of boring certainty.
  3. Life Through Me; nUncertainty, massive mistakes, remarkable results, worth waking up in the morning for.
  4. Life As Me: Think MLK, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, something to aim for. you may be killed by the lower levels because you scare them so much.

Enoug said, give level three a try, it will interrupt your life so much in unexpected way. My fuse box blew up, We the flat occupants had to pay for the new fusebox after our electricity supplier turned the power off. We did it, they turned up 8. hours later at 11.15 pm to restore it, now thats uncertainty, big time. Lucky for Smart phone data and a moxy M1 Powerbook.Yew.

Time for a Marc and Angel list.:

Heres their 17 Deadliest decisions you can make:

  1. Not Loving what is.
  2. Waiting and Waiting and Waiting.
  3. Changing who you are because others have changed.
  4. Letting heartache define you.
  5. Running away from problems.
  6. Being ungrateful.
  7. Allowiing long-term anger to occupy your heart.
  8. Believing that beauty looks a certain way.
  9. Letting your expectations run rampant.
  10. Disrespecting others.
  11. Disrespecting yourself
  12. Putting up with unfaithful friends and lovers.
  13. Rushing love.
  14. Neglecting your most important relationships.
  15. Trying to controlevery last detail about everything.
  16. Never taking risks.
  17. Giving up on you.

Peter, if you read this, I believe that you and Marc and Angel are meant to do good work together, their two books are manuals for life.

Onto the quotes and tracks:

God, She has a fine sense of humour.

We need more of these type of people in our life.

From one of the classic writers of the Twentieth Century.

Can Peters wonderful work cure this, I think so.

Thank goodness for that.

Uncertainy, one of our superpowers. Yew!!!


Want a secure life, do this.

The cost of certainty, an unfulfilled life.


Time to enter mystery school, didn’t they make a film about that.

Philosophy 191.

Boom, Boom, Boom, etc. etc.

The curly headed one, he changed the world.


Not sure if I agree with this, maybe my fellow USM students, but 90 percent of the planet, nada.

What a great songs Vincent. is, someone as beautiful as you gets me every time.

An hour of songs, Oops, well you will have a soundtrack for your morning exercise.

Back to why I do this. My vision: Save the planet for my three year old grand niece, Tawera. How? Love and respect for All, Everybody Included: Why; It’s up to us, Because we can, it’s up to us. Do I know how to do it, Fuck no, thats what uncertainty gives you..

Heres the playlist link: https://bit.ly/3L8mzjA

So off to the 160 countries that read my words of possibility, Thank you, it makes a difference.


Can I ever Trust Again?

When did you first lose the trust that small children. have for their mothers? For some it may be wgen their parents divorced, a truly prevelant experience these days, or your Nonna and Poppa died, or a friend took their own life unexpectedly. i thought I had done enough “work” om this until my last relationship when bizarre sexual practices were part of the deal and it broke my trust of women.

We each have our version of it. I now think when there is an opportunity with a woman, what if I have to break my values again just for the realationship to continue. This makes me incredibly sad, a phycoligist friend of mine said I needed to do a course of therapy after I told her what Happened and what I had done because it was so outside normal values, especially mine of Love and Respect for All.

I have connected with someone I wouldlike to say to, You can trust nme totally But can I promise that, time will tell.

Marc and Angel have a list of things of 11 ways to become the personwe love:

  1. Stop judging and appreciatebeauty within you.
  2. Treat yourself the way you wanr others to treat you.
  3. Care less about who you are to others.
  4. Know your worth.
  5. Son’t rush intinate relationships
  6. Let go of those who are’nt really there.
  7. Fotgive yourself and Othwrs.
  8. Focus on the positive.
  9. Believe in the person you are capable of being.
  10. Work on goals you believe in.
  11. Keep looking and moving straight forward.

Time for some quotes and tunes on Trusting each other.

What does it take to trust the netire universe, a noble task?

Thats why we are in each others life at the moment.


The universe was created to bless us and support us to have a wonderful life.

But the. universe requests that you put in some effoty to.

Love and Respect for All, Everybody Included : Why; It’s up to us, Because we can, It’s our time.

May you find your beautiful lan earlier than later.,

The universe knows that you need to be patient at certain times.

Don’t fight what the universe has planned for you, Its quite painful to do so.


Its such a perfect day, I’m glad I soent it with you.

Be careful of your thoughts, she is listening and will provide what you ask for.




She is more and more on mine, because I have been am being transformed by Peter Sage. PeterSage.com, check him out.

And I feel like letting go, what will turn up.

Enjoy your time on the unierse, the universe is not in a hurry, ehy are you?

The more you learn the art of surrender the faster tou will realise your dreams, It begins in the heart.


Back to the words. I wrote this blog after listening to a peter Sage workshop on creating yout reality. I have Peter to thank for transforming my thought patterns at the tender age of 69. Go to PeterSage.com and check out his wonderful life altering distinctions..

My koan for life is Love and Respect for All, Everybody Included: Why; It’s up to us, Because we can, It’s our time.

Thankyou to the readers who have read my blog in 160 countries around the world. We are transforming the possibility on the planet one read at a time.

PS Heres the playlis

Until next time , my dear friends.



Treaty Now, Treaty Now

I yook part in a rematkable event yesterday. over 500 singers sang Yothu Yindi’s iconic anthem Treaty now in the CBD od Naarm/ Melbourne in Four fifferent locations, The Myer Music Bowl, The National Gallery of Victoria and we Flashmodded the major gathering space Fed Square.

Stever taverner and The Spooky Mens chorale , one Australia’s most popular choirs led us included it as part of their natioal tour to support the Yrs campaighn for the Voice recognition of First Nations people in out country. I was alive in 1967 when their status was changed from fauna to humman beings. Yes, we are a racist nation at heart, what other country would have a White Australia policy for 70 years

My friend Anfrew weote the best thing I have read on this. vindicitive campaign that is dividing our nation due to the efforts of the Murdoch Media scum. There it is:

4. It will be permanent, and future governments won’t be able to remove it.

5. Ensuring the Voice can speak to “executive government” means its central role is entrenched, regardless of future governments.

6. It will be gender equal and include youth members, meaning more voices from Indigenous communities will be heard.

7. It has been carefully devised and given the green light by legal experts.

8. Fixed terms mean representatives will always be accountable.

9. The Voice would be a good mechanism through which to negotiate Truth and Treaty processes with the Commonwealth.

10. Parliament, and by extension the Australian people, would still hold the ultimate say over what becomes law.

The ‘against’ campaign usually have one or more of these arguments:

1. It’s symbolic, and fixing systemic issues facing Indigenous communities would require a body with actual power.

2. Governments can ignore its advice if they don’t like it.

3. The Voice adds race to the constitution.

4. Because the Voice will be designed by parliament, future governments could change or sideline it.

5. Indigenous people already have a voice via an unprecedented level of Indigenous representation in parliament.

6. Truth and Treaty should come before the Voice.

It is important to also look at who is supporting which campaign:

Left leaning parties who have always done more for indigenous rights in Australia like Labour and Greens overwhelmingly are supportive of the Voice.

Right leaning parties who have a track record of not supporting indigenous rights in Australia like One Nation, Liberal and UAP are overwhelmingly against the Voice.

I have noticed that people who have a tendency towards believing in conspiracy theories and who have a general aversion to anything that the government does, tend to be against the Voice. These are the same people who would tend to be anti 5G, anti vax, anti UN, pro Trump and Qanon etc.

I hope that when people make their vote, they consider the actual question being proposed and have read the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full as that is where the Voice idea came from so provides the best context for who is asking for it and why they want it.

Referendum question and constitutional amendment


Referendum question and constitutional amendment

No list from Marc and Angel this week, sorry my friends

Here are the quotes and some different versions of Treaty Now, ours is being edited from yesterday still.

Australia will look like a nation odf dickheads worldwide if the vote loses as I fear it will.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes , etc. etc . etc.

Women and the youth of Australia will vote Yes in droves, they did not grow up in Racist Australia.

Some miighty woeds as ro why you should vote yes.

All you gubbas out there, this is what the voice is about a real say for our First Nations brothers and sisters.

Powerful words supporting the Yes Vote.

Even people with gray hair are saying Yes.

Love the colours in this one.

And our youth have a say.

Black and White, we all support it.

The colours of our land, the flag of the First Nations people of Australia, the land was never ceded.

This is the first blog I have written not wearing my glasses because of the miracle Costa Rican herbal cure, a bit irrelevent

The Uluru statement from the Heart, where this all began.

Yes we can do it.

Back to my words on Interculturalism, The Voice is definitely a part of that. Love and Respect for All, Everybody Included: Why; It’s up to us, Because we can, It’s our time. 

The playlist via Bitly: https://bit.ly/3Ya9yeF

To my readers in 160 countries world wide, this is a very important moment in the history of our country . We may grow into adulthood, or maybe recognised as dickheads worldwide.

Those are Mighty Words

I post a lot on social media, especially on Booker Looker land AKA Facebook. Sometimes up to 50 posts a day. They are always from the land of empowerment and possibility. I believe we have a choice moment to moment to empower others or join the dangerous My Opinion is the Truth cult and take others down being righteous about a certain subject. One can make a profound difference the other engenders hatred towards another.

There are so many mighty words available, they have been being written from the advent of the written word, you just have to look for them. I love the fact we have access to them all via the great goddess known as Google. This is what took me to my business Rods Rocking Research and the fact that all you need to do is type in a few words and the metaverse provides you with millions of answers which has only been enhanced by the phenomenon know as AI.

My great skill is that I have the fastest hands in Australia on Google and the ability to ask great questions that cut through the dross and get me to where I need to go in an instant. Give me a request and I can find the solution almost instantly. Just don’t expect it to arrive beautifully laid out, that is not my thing, perhaps I need a VA or two.

How do my friends Marc and Angel Chernoff put it in one of their beautiful lists, lets go there:

15 Ways to Live, And not Merely Exist:

  1. Appreciate the great people and Things in Your Life.
  2. Ignore other people’s negativity.
  3. Forgive those who have hurt you.
  4. Be who you really are.
  5. Ghoose to listen to your inner voice.
  6. Embrace change and enjoy your life as it unfolds.
  7. Choose your relationships wisely.
  8. Recognize those who love you.
  9. Love yourself too.
  10. Do things your future self will thank you for.
  11. Be thanks for all the troubles you don’t have.
  12. Leave enough time for fun.
  13. Enjoy the little things in life.
  14. Acceot the fact that the past is not today.
  15. Let go when you must.

So time for some of my favourite mighty words from the great wordsmiths over time ans some tunes to go with them:

There are special people in your life, they are your keepers, they may not fit your image of what they shoulld look and be like.

How great do you you dare to let your life to be, dream so big that you can never fulfil it.

How many of those negative thoughts you had actually happened, I guess not that many.

I forget who said it, but you do not die when they put you in the ground, it is when you stop learning.

Personal self responsibility, Life doing it for you, because you say so.

The world is waiting for your genius, why else do you think you were one of the lucky sperm who made it through.

Only you know this, stop looking for others to answer this question for you.

What we spend our entire life searching for, sadly some of us never experience it.

Its you who is the miracle in your life, look in the mirror daily to reminnd yourself.

There is no planet B, as there. is no plan B.

I love that Harvard study where the three percent who wrote down their goals made more than the other Ninety Seven percent during their l ives.

Loving and firm intent, such life transforming words, Thanks Peter.

The eternal question we get to answer moment to moment, what do you choose?

To the members of the ever dangerous My Opinion is the Truth cult, no it is not.

We are close to the end, Here is where I post my koan for Interculturalism so it pervades the 160 countries across the world who honour me by reading thi. Love and Respect for All, Everybody Included: Why; it’s up to us, Because we can, it’s our time.

The playlist, I saw Rising Appalachia live in Naarm/Melbourne, only because a dear friend shouted me a ticket into the festival they were playing out, humanity is so generous if you let them be, the art of receiving, give your  damn pride up and miracles will occur.

Fingers crossed, here is the link: https://bit.ly/473a8yy

Thanks to those who will read this, I rather like it.

Don’t listen to GOOP!!!

I have had an interesting year, Met a billionaire and multi millionaire. Dropped 20K I could not really afford, and been locked up as an involuntary patient in a mental health unit as consequences of the first two things for four weeks, Once in, it is not so easy to get out.

I , through these mistakes, learnt a lot, including the acronym GOOP, the Good Opinion of Other People and the deadly effect it has on you achieving your dreams. I thank Peter Sage, the creator of this distinction for altering how life occurs for me now.

I also am enquiring into two other distinctions,Your opinion is not the truth, Ever and Listen, you do not learn when you are speaking.. The opinion one was described to me in the following manner: Opinion lives on one side of the Universe and truth the other. our task, this time in , is to align them as closely as possible. Unfortunately most humans give up at a very early age on this quest, this is when cinversation dies. His Holiness I credit the third one to, one of my favourite wise men. Do you think he was on a camel that night in Bethlehem?

Time for a Marc and Angel list, this time it is called 20 ways to create million dollar ideas, here we go

  1. Generate lots of ideas
  2. Fail a Lot
  3. Consume information Consciously
  4. Focus on topics and ideas with large markets
  5. Make sure there is money in your market
  6. Keep your eyes, ears and mind wide open
  7. Test variations of the same idea.
  8. Figure out what works well in one market and tailor it for another.
  9. Put the pieces together
  10. Spin a new twist on a previous breakthrough
  11. Systematise a popular service into a reproducale product.
  12. Play with Opposites.
  13. Look for problems and solve them.
  14. Design other products that supportother successful products.
  15. Keep it simple.
  16. Use the tools and skills you already have.
  17. Surround yourself with other thinkers.
  18. Be enthusiastic about what you are doing.
  19. Accept constructive criticism, but ignore naysayers
  20. Actually do something with your ideas.

Do you do this, I’m not great at it, i am a “nice person”

The famous the five we spend time with covered here.

Spend your time with the one or two, I am very bad at this.

Most relationship advice is GOOP< you know that already.

oopers don’t like this behaviour, they think you are weak, we know better.


How many in your circle, fuck them off.

I like these women, they rock.

The blame game sucks, big time.

Self explanatory!!!

What are you animal spirits, have you learnt the lesson?

hut the fuck up, get on with it.

Nike – Just Do It!!!

Edmund Hillary, I think. I’m showing. my age knowing hisname, forst non Sherpa to climb Everest.

All the songs are what came up when I put in my word is the truth songs, there are a lot out there.

Time for Rod’s Words. Interculturalism – Love and respect for All, Everybody Included. Why we do what we do: It’s up to us, because we can, it’s our time. I used to make a side hustle writing koans, these are my favourite two. Thanks Peter Sage for a new possibility at 68. I tell everybody.

Until we meet again, my Blog fans. in 160 countries.

Whats that ringing in my Ear?

In my younger days I was involved in the rhythm and blues seen in Melbourne, Australia. First as a door bitch with my soul friend Katie then as a sound technician when our regular one failed to show up and the band says I had heard them enough to know what they sounded like. So I spent quite a few years listening to loud rock music.

Move forward to this COVID year and a ringing began in my right ear recently, off to my doctor of seven years, Kirsten and I shared my musical history with her. Kirsten sent me to the Audiology Clinic because it is unusual to have tinnitus, which she thought it sounded like in only one ear. The audiology test began and ceased quickly, as here is the gross bit. I was asked when I had cleaned out my ears as they could not see my eardrums. I replied do Mexican Indian wax candles count, if not probably over 50 years ago.

That is why I have been pouring ear solution in my ears for the past two to three weeks so that I can have it extracted without damaging my ears on Wednesday. This has made me ponder whether doing the thing you love without thinking of the health consequences are worth it. My love of Music says yes it was, and fingers crossed they will be able to fix them. I’m going to have a look at what society has said about loving rock and roll and why we would put our selves in such sensory danger:

1. Not quite there yet, why I created my ethos Love and Respect for All, Everybody Included.

2. The music come with the dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gj0Rz-uP4Mk

3. Back in the day songs were more like poetry.

4. From a fledgling industry to a multi billion one in less than a century, remarkable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujNeHIo7oTE

5. Can’t quite make out the name but I am sure there were more than one rock and roller wished this sort of fame.

6. From one of the “27” club comes a powerful rock and roll stand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTWKbfoikeg

7. So many of them took away or had taken away the growth factor.

8. The man who wrote in the dark side, I loved him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGorjBVag0I

9. Known for the odd, strange comment, I saw Bowie at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

10. And not everybody made it as a front person, Darlene being an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIhAWJUwepA

11. Pete Townsend of The Who speaks on the power of dance.

12. You didn’t have to think that the world was rosy all the time according to one of the family: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1tj2zJ2Wvg&list=PL2wCCiky2eR3GGTe1St_olblEC50Zq9Hf

13. The Man in Black says all you need to say about JC.

14. Bruce has done this for over 30 years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrpXArn3hII

15. All those nights of bands advertised at 8.30 who started at 11pm. Must have been a method to get people to drink and fall in love with each other and the music.

Writing this has gotten me in touch what a wonderful time those years spent in grotty inner suburban pubs were, times I would not go with out in my life and all the other times I have partaken in since that are so important for my happiness. Regarding happiness, here are a few questions that look in that arena:

  1. Happiness is a _______________
  2. What would make you smile right now?
  3. What do you do when nothing else seems to make you happy?
  4. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
  5. What is you happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
  6. What do you appreciate most about your current situation?
  7. What’s one bad habit that makes you miserable?
  8. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
  9. Do you celebrate the things you do have?
  10. What makes you smile?

Today’s playlist comes from the classic era of Rock and Roll, firstly we have Elvis, then we go across the ocean to U2. Then back on the plane for the balance of tracks: Nirvana leads into the darkness of Leonard Cohen, The music softens with Darlene Love. The penultimate track is from the Gunners and we end with the Boss, Bruce Springsteen: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJlQ3F9bKYrtdd6hbes1745OUxehykhhF

So I’m off to the audiologist Wednesday with fingers crossed that the trust my doctor has in them will come to fruition but have really enjoyed listening to the Rock and Roll music of my past writing this blog. As Jimi said: When the Power of Love overcomes the Love of Power we will not know peace I will keep spreading my ethos of Love and Respect for All, Everybody Included via my Facebook Croup Thriving People – People who wish to make a difference to humankind, here’s the link to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1126100227764949. Until we meet again, my dear friends.

You Will Not Know How Powerful You Are!!

Often when we talk about helping poor communities, we’re actually working not to save a life but to offer more choices. That’s how we improve our well-being – by enabling choice.

The above statement is from Seth Godin’s inspiring little book: We Are All Weird: The Rise of Tribes and The End of Normal: Link to Buy It. I like the testimonials – “This is a book about giving a damn. It’s about caring about what you do and (as important) who you do it for. Professional apathy is a relic of a dead era and, as Seth teaches brilliantly, a mentality you cling to at great peril. Everyone with a pulse and a paycheck should be living, We Are All Weird – Chris Taylor, founder, Actionablebooks.com.

But it is Sherold Barr’s testimonial, who describe themselves as a  Master Coach and Freedom Fighter that impressed me the most: “This book will resonate with anyone who wants to lead a tribe, be authentic, dance to the beat of their own music, and make a difference in the world. If your inner critic (the resistance) has been telling you that you are not enough, your work is not good enough, and who do you think you are to make a difference then buy this book. Let your freak flag fly high.”

So how does the world present enabling choice? It actually goes to many places and here are some of them:


1. How often do we forget that the person we must first enable is the one looking back at us in the mirror?


2. Rosemary Edghill (born 1956) is an American writer and editor. Some of her work has appeared under her original name, eluki bes shahar (lower case intentional). Her primary genres are science fiction and fantasy, but she began by writing Regency romance novels. The publishers of her first novel felt that “Eluki Bes Shahar” (her legal name at the time) sounded insufficiently English to attract readers, so she adopted the pen-name Rosemary Edghill, which became her legal name in 2004. Not really an enabling choice when you think about it: Choice.


3. Relationship experts say that choice has nothing to do with who you fall in love with. I think that is what this quote is pointing out. Our heart doesn’t seem very logical at the time.


4. Those people that are no longer in your life for an excellent reason, they didn’t stay around long enough to discover how truly valuable you were: Don’t Give Up


5. Victor Hugo is the poet my brother took his new name from when he changed his given name to create a new identity.


6. It’s the behaviour that rankles, stopping one person will not cease the violence committed against women by men. Its behavioural change that is required not naming the perpetrators: Bon Appetit.


7. It’s become less and less that I wake up these days thinking of the opposite of this.


8. You can choose to make a difference with your life or not, really, really, truly:  Where’s The Love.


9. A title like Chief Executive Officer does not make you a leader, try Nobel Peace Prize Winner or something in that ilk.


10. Sammy Davis Junior rose to the top of the entertainment tree in America at a time when African Americans had to sit at the back of the bus in most states, he had a commitment: Mr Bojangles.


11. How often has it been said a particular person had the ability, but that person never chose to utilise it. That’s why it is the people who make the tough choices rise to the top.


12. One may say, impossible, because they have to want to, you can not make them do it: Tough Lover.


13. In psychotherapy and mental health, enabling has a positive sense of empowering individuals or a negative sense of encouraging dysfunctional behaviour. One must choose to give up the latter definition and allow the person to do what they need to so they can move forward.


14. Don’t be forced into a hasty decision, what occurs in your life is your choice, not others. Unfortunately, I think 90% of the human race forget this at times: Thinking Out Loud.


15. If you are making no decisions in your life there is nothing that is important to achieve, so how can your day to day actions be significant?

Today, some people can make a living as painters or professional bowlers or even poets. There are ten million households with a net worth of more than a million dollars. And there are millions (perhaps a billion) people who make enough money from their day job that they’re able to pursue something they enjoy with their spare time. More and more often, the thing they enjoy is something weird. Choice is what we choose.

The playlist begins with Bollywood superstars Miss Pooja and Manjit Rupowalia, followed by Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush with one of the great duets. Kate Perry adds some Pop Diva, then the Black Eyed Peas sing a sultry number before Sammy Davis Junior takes us back to another era. Christine Aguilera and Ed Sheeran close out the list: You Will Not Know How Powerful You Are.

Namaste until next time, my dear friends.


The best is yet to Come!!

Some days I struggle for a subject to write my blog on, I had nothing in mind today when Elliot Goulding’s Halcyon came up on my music feed. Not being sure what it  meant I looked it up:

definition of Halcyon –


    1. denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful:
      “the halcyon days of the mid 1980s, when profits were soaring”


    1. a mythical bird said by ancient writers to breed in a nest floating at sea at the winter solstice, charming the wind and waves into calm.
    2. a tropical Asian and African kingfisher with brightly coloured plumage.

    With such a beautiful meaning I knew I had found my word for the day. The 15 quotes I have chosen relate to the adjective more than the noun but I promise you will know what the kingfisher looks like by the end:


    1. I have many female friends who hang out together and empower each other with their music, art and businesses which allow them to take huge strides in being ultimately successful in fields you would not expect them too.


    2. In his iconic Halcyon series of books Peter Kazmaler points out that its good to include both the dark and the light in your life when considering what will come next: Fear and Love.


    3. James Thomas Fields was an American publisher, editor and poet in the 1800’s. His most famous poem is “The Ballad of the Tempest”, which includes the famous lines: “We are lost!” the captain shouted, As he staggered down the stairs.


    4. A woman who has spent most of her life going her own way, Angelina Jolie has done some remarkable things: Go your own Way.


    5. Glass Towers are an Indie band from Sydney, Australia. In answer to their question I say unless you are meditating in a cave high in the Tibetan mountains the answer is no, that’s not how society works.


    6. They obviously write deep songs, I agree with the line from this song. The only reason the world will be lost is if we give up: Halcyon.


    7. As we see with the dramatic changes going on with watch I.T. technology, virtual reality and driver-less cars this statement made Charles Khupcan, an expert on foreign affairs who served in the first Clinton administration becomes more real  each and every day.


    8. Go to the peace and quiet of the wilderness of your intuition to resolve those things that natter in your life, time for : Elliott Goulding.


    9. We have only this moment, the power of now. How many Now’s do you waste?


    10. Jeanette Winterson, OBE (born 27 August 1959) is an award-winning English writer, who became famous with her first book, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, a semi-autobiographical novel about a sensitive teenage girl rebelling against conventional values. Some of her other novels have explored gender polarities and sexual identity. Winterson is also a broadcaster and a professor of creative writing: Fifteen.


    11. My halcyon days include this, for me peace and quite lives inside a good inquiry. And as they comment on Facebook when there is a cute dog picture, Aaw.


    12. Karen Prior is a christian Professor of English who believes in the power of the word touching your soul, why books will never die: Great Big Words.


    13. Remember those days when your mind and heart are in sync. They are Halcyon day but not days you are doing nothing but days you are living your dream.



    14. Here is the beautiful Halcyon kingfisher. I take part in a return of the kingfisher festival in my hometown Melbourne Australia at CERES each year. It celebrates the return of the Sacred Kingfisher to an area that had been devastated by human indifference after many years. Here is the dance we do : The Kingfisher Boogie.


    15. Gregory House, MD — typically referred to simply as House — is the title character of the American medical drama series House. Created by David Shore and portrayed by English actor Hugh Laurie, he leads a team of diagnosticians as the Head of Diagnostic Medicine at the fictional Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in New Jersey (based on the real-life Yale–New Haven Hospital in New Haven, Connecticut).

    House’s character has been described as a misanthrope, cynic, narcissist, and curmudgeon, the last of which was named one of the top television words of 2005 in honour of the character. He is the only character to appear in all 177 episodes and, except for Wilson’s brief appearance, is the only regular character to appear in the season six premiere.

    So there are many moods that fulfil halcyon times for people some quiet, some full of action because that’s the way they roll, Choose the one that suits you and go for it.


    Namaste until next time my dear friends
