Death by a Thousand Cuts

Can listening to your mentor speak for an hour change your life at 69 years of age.. You bet your sweet bippy it can.

The subject: The four levels of consciousness which I wrote about quite recently, but as. I enter their power further and further, my life looks and feels so different that I just had to share the journey with someone, so you, whoever reads this are the chosen. few..

The four levels are:

  1. Life does it to me. AKA Victimhood
  2. Life By Me: Hard Yakka and struggle, a life of boring certainty.
  3. Life Through Me; nUncertainty, massive mistakes, remarkable results, worth waking up in the morning for.
  4. Life As Me: Think MLK, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, something to aim for. you may be killed by the lower levels because you scare them so much.

Enoug said, give level three a try, it will interrupt your life so much in unexpected way. My fuse box blew up, We the flat occupants had to pay for the new fusebox after our electricity supplier turned the power off. We did it, they turned up 8. hours later at 11.15 pm to restore it, now thats uncertainty, big time. Lucky for Smart phone data and a moxy M1 Powerbook.Yew.

Time for a Marc and Angel list.:

Heres their 17 Deadliest decisions you can make:

  1. Not Loving what is.
  2. Waiting and Waiting and Waiting.
  3. Changing who you are because others have changed.
  4. Letting heartache define you.
  5. Running away from problems.
  6. Being ungrateful.
  7. Allowiing long-term anger to occupy your heart.
  8. Believing that beauty looks a certain way.
  9. Letting your expectations run rampant.
  10. Disrespecting others.
  11. Disrespecting yourself
  12. Putting up with unfaithful friends and lovers.
  13. Rushing love.
  14. Neglecting your most important relationships.
  15. Trying to controlevery last detail about everything.
  16. Never taking risks.
  17. Giving up on you.

Peter, if you read this, I believe that you and Marc and Angel are meant to do good work together, their two books are manuals for life.

Onto the quotes and tracks:

God, She has a fine sense of humour.

We need more of these type of people in our life.

From one of the classic writers of the Twentieth Century.

Can Peters wonderful work cure this, I think so.

Thank goodness for that.

Uncertainy, one of our superpowers. Yew!!!


Want a secure life, do this.

The cost of certainty, an unfulfilled life.


Time to enter mystery school, didn’t they make a film about that.

Philosophy 191.

Boom, Boom, Boom, etc. etc.

The curly headed one, he changed the world.


Not sure if I agree with this, maybe my fellow USM students, but 90 percent of the planet, nada.

What a great songs Vincent. is, someone as beautiful as you gets me every time.

An hour of songs, Oops, well you will have a soundtrack for your morning exercise.

Back to why I do this. My vision: Save the planet for my three year old grand niece, Tawera. How? Love and respect for All, Everybody Included: Why; It’s up to us, Because we can, it’s up to us. Do I know how to do it, Fuck no, thats what uncertainty gives you..

Heres the playlist link:

So off to the 160 countries that read my words of possibility, Thank you, it makes a difference.


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