Death by a Thousand Cuts

Can listening to your mentor speak for an hour change your life at 69 years of age.. You bet your sweet bippy it can.

The subject: The four levels of consciousness which I wrote about quite recently, but as. I enter their power further and further, my life looks and feels so different that I just had to share the journey with someone, so you, whoever reads this are the chosen. few..

The four levels are:

  1. Life does it to me. AKA Victimhood
  2. Life By Me: Hard Yakka and struggle, a life of boring certainty.
  3. Life Through Me; nUncertainty, massive mistakes, remarkable results, worth waking up in the morning for.
  4. Life As Me: Think MLK, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, something to aim for. you may be killed by the lower levels because you scare them so much.

Enoug said, give level three a try, it will interrupt your life so much in unexpected way. My fuse box blew up, We the flat occupants had to pay for the new fusebox after our electricity supplier turned the power off. We did it, they turned up 8. hours later at 11.15 pm to restore it, now thats uncertainty, big time. Lucky for Smart phone data and a moxy M1 Powerbook.Yew.

Time for a Marc and Angel list.:

Heres their 17 Deadliest decisions you can make:

  1. Not Loving what is.
  2. Waiting and Waiting and Waiting.
  3. Changing who you are because others have changed.
  4. Letting heartache define you.
  5. Running away from problems.
  6. Being ungrateful.
  7. Allowiing long-term anger to occupy your heart.
  8. Believing that beauty looks a certain way.
  9. Letting your expectations run rampant.
  10. Disrespecting others.
  11. Disrespecting yourself
  12. Putting up with unfaithful friends and lovers.
  13. Rushing love.
  14. Neglecting your most important relationships.
  15. Trying to controlevery last detail about everything.
  16. Never taking risks.
  17. Giving up on you.

Peter, if you read this, I believe that you and Marc and Angel are meant to do good work together, their two books are manuals for life.

Onto the quotes and tracks:

God, She has a fine sense of humour.

We need more of these type of people in our life.

From one of the classic writers of the Twentieth Century.

Can Peters wonderful work cure this, I think so.

Thank goodness for that.

Uncertainy, one of our superpowers. Yew!!!


Want a secure life, do this.

The cost of certainty, an unfulfilled life.


Time to enter mystery school, didn’t they make a film about that.

Philosophy 191.

Boom, Boom, Boom, etc. etc.

The curly headed one, he changed the world.


Not sure if I agree with this, maybe my fellow USM students, but 90 percent of the planet, nada.

What a great songs Vincent. is, someone as beautiful as you gets me every time.

An hour of songs, Oops, well you will have a soundtrack for your morning exercise.

Back to why I do this. My vision: Save the planet for my three year old grand niece, Tawera. How? Love and respect for All, Everybody Included: Why; It’s up to us, Because we can, it’s up to us. Do I know how to do it, Fuck no, thats what uncertainty gives you..

Heres the playlist link:

So off to the 160 countries that read my words of possibility, Thank you, it makes a difference.


What is Love?

I am contemplating being in Love. It is something I have not felt for 30 years, it is wondrous and disturbing all at the same time. At 68 years old I never expected it to occur again I was ensconced in my single life, cruising towards eldership when she walked into my life.

Is love the feeling that entered my body when her energy entered mine, I could not stop it happening if I wanted to, I don’t by the way or is it a hope that there is someone out there to fulfil my unmeet needs. Lets see what my friends Marc and Angel Chernoff have to say about it:

A silhouette of a human being stands before you, Perhaps a friend, perhaps a lover, perhaps a perfect stranger. They need you to connect with them, they need you to share this moment.

They need you to:

  1. Smile without hesitation.
  2. Give without expectation.
  3. Comfort without lying.
  4. Guide without misleading.
  5. Forgive without resentment.
  6. Rest without judgement.
  7. Notice without critiquing.
  8. Appreciate without comparing.
  9. Listen without interruoting.
  10. Question without objection.
  11. Challenge without mocking.
  12. Consider withut doubting.
  13. Discuss without critisizing.

Time for some quotes and songs:

can’t believe we went to the same place for 8 years.

And we deserve each other, truly and deeply.

hat is who we are, just the acknowledgement of the last one to go.

aulo certainlt improves our lives with this statement.

Love is a Battlefield, If you let it be, we won’t.

It’s just the beginning.

It is unique, never seen before.

I am learning to get better at this because of you.

had known you eight years, WTF.

It was when we hugged for too long that night.

Love is always the answer – Ragnar.

Life becomes truly magnificent.

Thank you, I had no idea that this much soul was possible.

We are definitely changed, nw just to express it.

Back to the words, why is this blog called I am an Interculturalist. Simply because I have a. 8 billion person target to touch them all with Love and Respect for All, Everybody Included: Why – It’s up to Us, Because we can, It’s our time..

I’ll try and include the playlist link it so cheddar cheese, then love is like that:

Until we meet again, my dear readers in 160 countries across the planet:

Love os always the answer – Ragnar.







Will the Rainbow Children save the planet?

I have done many things in my 68 years, one of them was hang around CERES environmental park in Naarm/Melbourne where I went from being the World’s Greatest Volunteer to a board member for 7 years after a very strange invitation by the team leaders one stormy winter night.

CERES is a 5 acre city farm that used to be the Brunswick tip. A group of hippies got together 40 years ago and put the idea to turn the tip into a farm. The only problem being they had energy but no money. Some liberated councillors at the time gave it to them for the acorn rent of $1 a year which it has remained at over the time, CERES is now a multi million dollar business.

Two of its features have been the Cafe and the playground where the rainbow people could bring their rainbow children and meet their Mothers Groups, on a Saturday 900 cups of coffee would be sold. I think it is up to the third generation of this happening. Mothers who were brought by their mothers are returning with their offspring.

I had not been for ages and went there to renew my membership last Saturday. I did not know The Olives to Oil festival was on. The local councils set up a drop off spot for your olives and you get them pressed into oil as a community service, I have never seen that many olives in one place in my life.

But back to the Rainbow kids. As always there was entertainment. I knew them Santirino is an traditional Italian band who also do the tarantella if the weather allows for it, unfortunately this was not the case on Saturday. Rosa sang beautifully, I. had forgotten how beautiful she is, so full of vitality and passion. My mate Phil was on accordion and flute, I have followed his different musical ensembles for over 40 years. This is one of the better ones.

At the end of their first set Rosa announced they had a special guest. A young teenager, at the most 12 or 13 approached the stage and did this amazing French number with so much confidence it belied her tender years. I overheard her mum say she could speak and sing in 6 languages. She was definitely one of CERES rainbow children.

It restored my faith that humanity does not have the people in our society that will save the planet, we have the rainbow children. The last generation have moved on and formed Extinction Rebellion across the planet. They know what it takes.

Some wise words from Marc and Angel Chernoff:

life is full of positive experiences. Notice them. Notice the sun warming your skin, the small child learning to walk, and the smiling faces around you. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential by reveling in the beauty of these experiences, and letting them inspire you to be the most positive version of YOU.

What would happen if. you approached each day intentionally, with a positive attitude? What would happen if you you embraced life’s. challenges with a. smile on your face? What would happen if you surrounded yourself with people who made you better? What would happen if you paused long enough to appreciate it all?

Livong a positive life is all about creating positive habits to help you focus on what truly matters. This is the secret of super positive people . here are 9 simple ideas to help you follow in their footsteps:

  1. Wake up every morning with the idea that something wonderful is possible today.
  2. Celebrate your existence.
  3. Appreciate life’s perfect moments.
  4. Embrace life’s challenges.\
  5. Live and breath the truth.
  6. Fill your own bucket.
  7. Become addicted to constant and never-ending self improvement.
  8. Help the people around you smile.
  9. Spend time with positive people.

Here is the link to the work of Marc and Angel:

Lets move on to the quotes and music:

One of the greatest philosophers of the last and this centuroes.

There are 7 billion I Am’s hanging out there on this planet. Enjoy each others company.


Or followers of Peter Sages mindset training.

What is your favourite colour of the rainbow?

Thats you Joan is talking about.

Some of my favourite song-lines.

Faith not organised patriarchal religion.

What connects you, do you have rainbow. children in your life?

I am feeling that through Peter’s I Am technology.

love You.

Is this in the Mastery stage, Peter?

I have seen a triple rainbow in my life, I felt extremely lucky, I did not find the pot of gold.

love native wisdom, it is so eternal.

Finally, rainbows are too remind you to stay strong.

Finally a gift from our country to yours, sing along people.

Back to me, I used to make my money from writing koans aka slogans, I only use two of them these days: Love and Respect for All, Everybody Included and its up to me, because we can, Its our time. We need Peters definition of wealth: An abundance of gratitude more and more these days. These blogs are for an abundance of possibility.

Until next time, my dear readers in 160 counties, thank you for your stand for possibility.

Is Neil Young God

I recently brought a new Macbook Pro, my 2015 model lost access to its microphone and I knew it was time to upgrade. The new one does so many wonderful things, I am learning every day. I love the Youtube facilities on the premium channel. It has all the concerts from back in the day and from now as well. From Woodstock to Burning Man, they are all there. I am going through a Neil Young phase. I can not believe I walked out of his concert to score some dope back in the day.

Marc and Angel list:

  1. Your thirties, forties, and fifties won’t feel like your thirties, forties, and fifties.
  2. Bad things will happen to you and your friends.
  3. Everyone can make a huge difference.
  4. First impressions aren’t all they cracked up to be.
  5. Big results come when you narrow your focus. Love Yourself, and become your own priority.
  6. Sometimes you just have to go for it.
  7. It order to get, you have to give.
  8. Not much is worth fighting about.
  9. Don’t try to impress everyone.
  10. Keep having fun.
  11. Keep it simple.
  12. Little things stick with you.
  13. Keep your options to yourself.
  14. Manage your time.
  15. Manage your money.
  16. What you learn in school does matter.
  17. Drema will remain dreams if you don’t take action.

Vinyl rules, Okay.

And we have found each other again, let the Shibari commence.

Back in my bonging days, we lived this.

Who are you, Neil Young?

No, they liked Kahmal and Nana Mouskuri

Old man, take a look at yourself, I’m a lot like you.

At Farm Aid, every year is our Neil.

One of the lines of. my generation.

Take me ti the edge – Yes.

One of the great rock soloists ever, Neill Young.

Neil was actually the Love Prophet.

All of them copied the ngreat Neil Young, all of them.

We are all walking home – Ram Dass

Love or Chilli, Choose,

Back to me: Love and Respect for all, Everybody Included equals Interculturalism. IIs up to us, because we can, Its our tome. WE are charging the Machine Guns, Not all of us will make it, We know there are more of us than them. They know they have lost, Fuck Rupert Murdoch, see you in 4 days..

Am I a Billionaire

Two weeks ago I had a bank balance of $1.30 and for the first time in my life had to request a food parcel. I felt gutted..

Move forward two weeks and it was time for another of my many free webinars, this on wealth, says the man with a $1.30 bank balance. But they had Deepak Chopra and James Kornfield as the buying and they are always worthwhile. Have you seen the movie Riding with the Dragons, a fantasy at the heart? There were all these other dudes I had never heard of and they claimed they were millionaires and even, shudder, billionaires. I have recently has a Tjhor Eruption, no Kundalini Awakening for this bogan country boy Cats supporter, we won the flag, go Cats..

The course I had done looked at Love and Money archetypes, just what one needs after 30 years, and 8 more archetypes. F me when they got to the Nurturer archetype, being the World’s Greatest Volunteer, a laydown hand. Imagine my mild shock when I woke up the next day with access to all of the weird stuff I had done over the past 30 years that people would like me. Werner. Choedak,, ISTA, German yelling, all the good stuff, and they threw in a voice, something I had wished for all my life..

So i did the wealth summit, but could not find my glasses for two nights and yes I did comment to the host and panelists over this time, and of course, one must hang shit on the South African noted because we crapped on them in the cricket time after time. It seems some of the panelists found this mildly amusing and never told me what I was doing.

I threw songs and my opinion at them freely, they were only multi-millionaires and billionaires after all and what could an Age pensioner from Preston matter… Perhaps asking Jack Canfield he might be worth 480 million but what did he do on a day-to-day basis was a bit cheeky, but he did answer me the next day. Seems he built 700 houses for the texas flood victims, I told him that was not a bad start, and yes, I have become a smart arse after the eruption.

The participants claimed they would tell us how they made their millions for nothing, I could smell BS a mile off. Except I was wrong, dead wrong and they did, sure there were the $500 to $1,000m dollar courses but they were worth a minimum of ten times that. it seems one of them is a Louisiana Good old Boy and likes his Cajun music, as I did when I was a pisshead, especially a song, Ain’t nobody here but us chickens. Snap, it was the Good old Boys’ favorite song growing up, The multi-billionaire and the Age Pensioner had something in common..

so I kept swapping music he might like, The Vital Bits Spotify list from Melbourne’s most popular morning community radio show for example. And yes, the smart-arse thought he knew better than the wealthy ones because he had been an activist for 40 years.

We get to the steak knives, courses at about $500 to $1,000, so the one-dollar balance kid tuned out. lots of offerings but two really grabbed me, a 12-month mindset program and a course that covered all the aspects of a business. They sounded so good. i was a bit sad. I was going to miss out once again.

When I started getting links to $50,000 programs with the words you need to train brother, I was quite shocked. $120,000 dollars later one of them said I had to pay $50 dollars.. The 12-month program, and the business skills, all flowed forth, including programs from people not even on the panel, and the names involved, fuck me sums it up really..

I have had to decline some very famous people as I just had too much to handle. I have chosen my favorites and begun the journey, but they keep adding things during the programs, another 12-month business coaching program, and yes they sent me the link gratis..

Enough on that, time for marc and Angel’s kist:

  1. Free yourself from negative people.
  2. Let go of those who are already gone
  3. Give people you don’t know a fair chance
  4. Show everyone kindness and respect
  5. Accept people the way they are
  6. Encourage others and cheer for them
  7. Be your perfectly imperfect selfForgive people and move forward
  8. Do little things for others every day
  9. Pay attention to who your real friends are.
  10. Always be loyal.
  11. Stay in better touch with people who matter to you.
  12. Keep your promises and tell the truth
  13. Give what you want to receive.
  14. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
  15. Allow others to make their own decisions
  16. Talk less and listen. more.
  17. Leave petty arguments behindKIgnore
  18. Ignore the unconstructive, hurtful commentary
  19. Pay attention to your relationship with yourself.

Poverty existence versus abundance,choose

  1. Be
  1. I hung out in poverty land for 40 years.


This is where i have my Werner Brain-Farts.

My nephews wife grew up in Tanzania.

The maestro speaks, Warren Buffett is the man,

But yoiu get coverage, musician BS

You need both, economy and community.

From day one teach the children well.

How much sleep do you need?

Uber-rich people never have money in the bank, no tax.

The Good old Boy is a fine example og this

Shake that moneymaker, Cute songtotlllt.

Francis was more known for his scientific elocutions, but this is quite wise on money as well.

Well, each and every day as I listened to this summit and more and more gifts in the form of line course arrived advising. me I needed to train and no money changed hands, I realized I had reached a hiatus with my newfound buddies, especially the good old boy, with whom I had become really cozy and like a lifetime buddy in a very short period of time. What was the limit to which he would invest in my crazy Werner Brain fart ideas? I have come to believe that there are no boundaries to I t at the moment, so theoretically, I. had become a billionaire. Fuck me are the two words that come to. mind,.

Back ot my traditional ending: Love and Respect for All, Its up to Us, Because we Can, Its Our Time, As we charged the machine guns, knowing that we all will not make it through, Inside there are more of us than them, and they know they have lost. These are my pithy slogans that make a difference, I am entering the brave new world of being paid for what I have done for nothing besides the fact I love words that empower, and see you on the other side of abundance. See you in Florida, Good old Boy. You rock for transforming my world and allowing me to become the philanthropist I have dreamt of being my whole life

The Dead Parents Society

What do you talk about around the dinner table or consequently avoid discussion like the plague? I was having a catchup at Macca’s AKA a coaching session when this subject came up. Her dad had passed recently and mine were well gone so It was safe to discuss our feelings towards them.

It is something that is not on the list for a mention, Gardening, House ownership, and even sex are okay. But dear old mum and dad are not on the agenda. Is it because it hurts too much, they say it takes a few years, but my dear old dad passed 11 years ago, and when I think of him, which I must admit is rare these days, it still hurts.

AMarc and Amgel list, they are from the iconic tome:: 1000+ little things Happy Successful People do differently. google Life hack.

  1. The most beautiful thing is to see a person nearby smiling. And even more beautiful is knowing that you are the one behind it
  2. 2. If you have the power to make someone happier today, do it. The world needs more of that.
  3. Some people build lots of walls in their lives and not enough bridges, there’s no good reason to be one of them. Open yourself up. Take small chances on people.
  4. 4. Never stop doing little things for those around you. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.
  5. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of love – all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
  6. Be present, be thoughtful Compliment people. Magnify their strengths, not their weaknesses. This is how to make a real and lasting difference in your relationships, new and old.
  7. We don’t always need advice. Sometimes all we need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen to, and a heart to understand.
  8. Today, just be 100 per cent present with those around you – be all there. That is enough.
  9. There is no such thing as self-made Someone else believed in you. Someone else encouraged you. Someone else is invested in you. Someone else prayed for you. Someone else spoke life over you. Be that someone for others too.
  10. It’s practically impossible to love your neighbours if we don’t know them, and yet that’s often the case We live in such a hyper-connected world with such limited or nonexistent communication Remember this. Relationships matter. Stories matter.
  11. In human relationships, distance is not measured in miles but in affection. Two people can be right next to each other yet miles apart.
  12. Stay in touch with those who really matter to you, not because it’s convenient, but because they are worth the extra effort.
  13. The single greatest problem in communication is the illusion it has taken place. Too often we don’t listen to understand, we listen to reply. Bring awareness ti this. And listen for what’s truly behind the words.
  14. Set an example. Treat everyone with respect, even those who are rude to you not because they are always nice, but because you are. And do your best to be thankful for the rude and difficult people too, they serve as great reminders of how not to be.
  15. 15. Sometimes it is better to be kind than right.
  16. People are much nicer when they are happier, which says a lot about those who aren’t very nice to you. Sad, but true.
  17. The real test always comes when you don’t get what you expect from people. Will you react in anger? Or will calmness be your superpower?
  18. The way we treat people is the way we treat people we don’t understand is a report card on what we’ve learned about love, compassion, and kindness.
  19. Be kinder than necessary. What goes around, comes around. No one has ever made themselves strong by showing how small someone is.
  20. The best relationships are not just about the good times you share, they are also they’re also about the obstacles you go through together and the fact that you still say I love you in the end.

Now for the quotes and the songs, I promise to not get too morbid.

I missed doing this, I feel sad often. At 68nits too late, baby.

It has been eleven and four years for the Williams siblings since we became the elders. Each and every day.

Plum village, such a wisw nman. R.I.P. THich.

How many ways can you say, I love you mum and dad.

I did some terrible things to my mum during my teenage years, I call it our black vs. white time.

Lots of truth in this statement.

In my Buddhist years Pema Chodron always said this

They mostly always know already, they just love you for who you are.

Unrequied love by any other name.

Great image of motherhood.

For you, Karina.

Unfortunately , we do not do this all of the time, then we have to have our wounds healed.

Early days, it’s up to mum and dad.

over to my words. The first slogan I ever got paid the princely sum of AUS25 dollars for It’s up to us, Because we Can, It’s our time. The ethos of Interculturalosism: Love and Respect for all, everybody included. Leonard – The light gets in, Gil Scott Heron: The revolution will not be televised Me- fuck Rupert Murdoch. It is an interesting time in our lands: WE are charging the machine guns, and some of us will not make it. There are more of us than them, They know they have lost. If you enjoyed this I would appreciate s donation towards the 1 million dollars I am raising for the ASRC in 2023/ The button os on our website.

Until next time, my dear friends.

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What do you think?

I have been told that reviews make a difference. My last one was in 2019. So, I am putting a request out into the WordPress space that I would like some more recent ones.

Here’s a quote and song to keep in practice until relaunch day: January 3. 2023.

Humorous Growing up Meme.

Will a lie protect you from failure or just delay you beginning!!!

Have you ever received awful advice from your supposed friends as you excitedly tell them about your latest adventure? They think they are trying to protect you from the possibility of failure, which, in effect, also shied you from the possibility of making your dream a reality.

Here are a few ill-advised tips (lies) people will likely tell you when you decide to pursue your dreams, and why they are dreadfully mistaken.

  1. You can follow your dreams someday, but right now you need to buckle down and be responsible.
  2. You are totally screwed if it doesn’t work out.
  3. It’s safer to stay at your day job.
  4. That’s impossible.
  5. Only a lucky few “make it”.
  6. You might fail and failing is bad.
  7. You will sacrifice too much for too little.
  8. You need more money saved before you take the first step.
  9. You don’t need any help. It’s smarter to go after it alone.
  10. That sounds like a lot of hard work.

All supposed good advice but in the end white lies. Only you can take the steps that fulfil your dreams. And what has society said about the cost of a lie over time. Here are a few of my favourite quotes:

1. Lord Byron, one of the best-known poets had an unusual death for a creative. He died fighting in the Greek War of Independence.

2. What came first, the chicken or the egg:

3. Being open is what starts the transformation.

4. If the numbers don’t add up, the truth is missing:

5. Trust seems to be the issue here.

6. Deal with the permanence seems to be the answer:

7.In telling the truth you do not have to remember it, because it’s true.

8. You are not being creative, you are still lying:

9. I would rather deal with your true opinions than your white lies.

10. Is a lie an attempt to hide a feeling of embarrassment?:

11. Pass out the tissues.

12. Says it all really:

13. The POTUS quote for this blog makes me doubt it’s veracity.

14. The lies we tell ourselves are probably the reasons we put up with others:

15. Because a lie must be remembered for ever so you can tell it again.

So in writing this blog I have come to the decision that the only option is to gather a tribe of truthtellers around you and deal with the consequences of this. Hopefully you have done this in some form or another.

Today’s playlist is modern in nature beginning with two Pop Diva’s Adele and Pink. Sam Smith breaks up the women with Elizabeth Young and Billie Ellish following. The penultimate track is Justin Timberlake and we finish with The Black Eyed Peas, Enjoy:

Living in the world of no lies is not easy as is creating a world wide ethos of Love and Respect for All, Everybody Included. That’s why I have created two Facebook groups: Interculturalism: and Thriving People – People who wish to make a difference to humanity: If you are reading this I would love you to join one or both to help spread it around the world.

Until we meet again my dear friends.

Has COVID mandated Dislike of people who used to be friends.

I am not an anti vaccer, this is because as a young child to be kept alive I received quite a lot of vaccines and accepted that you had to take things that you may not like but were in the end good for you. Another term I heard recently regarding this area was Pro-choice which I thought related to the abortion movement, or it did in the seventies.

I have seen people posting via social media utter nonsense, that horse medicine is better than vaccines, that COVID is an international plot and the purpose of the vaccine is to put a microchip in you. If someone started a conversation about these subjects I would have to request that they stop as I am far too logical to listen to it.

What upsets me is that in these hard times I have heard of cases where people have written off friendships because we agree to disagree. Nobody gets through life without losing someone they love, someone they need, or something they thought was meant to be. Here are some lessons we have learnt over these painful times:

  1. You are not what happened to you in the past.
  2. Focus on what you have, not on what you don’t.
  3. Struggling with problems is a natural way of growing.
  4. It’s OK to fall apart for a little while.
  5. Life is fragile, sudden, and shorter than it often seems.
  6. Emotionally separate yourself from your problems.
  7. Don’t make a problem bigger than it is.
  8. View every challenge as an educational assignment.
  9. Things change, but the sun always rises the next day.
  10. Giving up and moving on are two different things.
  11. Perfect relationships don’t exist.
  12. You must love yourself too.
  13. Don’t let others make decisions for you.
  14. Resentment hurts them, not you.
  15. Consciously nurture your inner hope.
  16. It’s better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie.
  17. Not getting what you want can be a blessing.
  18. Laughter is the best medicine for stress.
  19. Worrying is literally a waste of energy.
  20. Even when it’s hard to move, take small steps forward.
  21. You are better off without some people you thought you needed.
  22. You are only competing against yourself.
  23. Life is not easy.
  24. Your future is unwritten.
  25. You are not trapped, you just need to relearn a few things.
  26. Everything in life is two-sided.
  27. You always have a choice.
  28. Let others in when you are in a dark place.
  29. If you ask negative questions , you will get negative answers.
  30. The end is a new beginning.

This is not the first time that disagreements like this have happened over time, I’m sure there are quotes over the decades that discussed this dilemma, lets have a look:

1. I is not worth going over the limit if you know their opinion is different to yours.

The Third POTUS, Thomas may be where the saying don’t talk about religion or politics came from:

3. Mahatma used this principle to free a country.

4. We take it that friendly disagreement is progressing our friendships:

5. Remember those school debates, you had to debate what you didn’t agree with at times.

6. Talking about the dreaded workplace disagreements:

7. One of my favourite actors with a very wise statement.

8. Repeat after me……..:

9. This one’s a smack in the face.

10. The stability get checked at the eye of the storm:

11. Eugenia is an inspirational writer and poet. I believe this quote relates to her second book of poetry “Take a step right now towards your dreams“.

12. This is what I hope happens as COVID disappears into the distance:

13. This profound piece of wisdom comes from an English cricketer if you believe Wikipedia.

14.There is a word for someone who is never wrong – Its a narcissist:

15.And for our final lesson, we look at the action versus the practice.

So from writing this, I have come to the solution that we can disagree to disagree but we do not need to give up our friendships.

Today’s playlist has two of my favourite songs on it, I will let you guess which one’s. We begin with 2 pop legends:John Legend and Shakira. Three lesser known groups and artists follow: Erasure, Prince Mpfarutsa and Bliss and Eso. The penultimate track is Carrie Underwood and we finish with Rag and Bone Man:

COVID has tested my ethos of Love and Respect for All, Everybody Included, but I have set up two Facebook groups to help with the spread of it: Interculturalism – and Thriving People – People who wish to make a difference to Humanity: Whereever you are in the world reading this, I invite you to join our merry bands of travelers.

Until we net again, my dear friends.