Who am I really?

Over my journey, I have tried several careers to increase my finances; unfortunately, I have only recently.

I discovered I lived on the premise that money is evil, which made it difficult to be serious about it.

I came up with three business ideas, all of which I am rather good at; the first was Rod has a way with Words:

This service provides words to help you with your branding and editing of words you have already written up to the level of editing books, of which I have done three

The second is Rod’s Rocking Research: I ask great questions on Google and can provide what you require 5 times faster than most other researchers.

My favourite and latest enterprise is called I Can Make You Grow. Back in the day, I did a leadership program at Landmark Education called Team < Management and Leadership.

Program. It was a twelve-month program in which you listened to TMLP Level 1 and then put in what you heard was missing for them to succeed with their projects. I was rather good at it.

I’m leaning towards I Can Make You Grow and am off to the Small Business Expo next week to get some ideas.

Here is some advice from Marc and Angel Chernoff to empower your day

  1. Let go of the past.
  2. Identify the lesson.
  3. Lose the negative attitude.
  4. Accept accountability for your current situation.
  5. Focus on the things you can change.
  6. Figure out what you really want.
  7. Eliminate the non-essential.
  8. Be very specific.
  9. Concentrate on DOING instead of NOT DOING.
  10. Create a daily routine.
  11. Maintain self-control and work on it for real.
  12. Forget about impressing people.

Lets seek out some I Can Make You Grow quotes:

Your new future if you hire me to listen to your plans.

They say you do not need to enter your coffin to be barely alive.

Here is a beautiful song about it: bit.ly/44Z5uBm

Well said, Mandy; get the fuck out of there via I Can Make You Grow.

Conformity is the work of the devil.

Something Just Like This: bit.ly/3wMEh8e

Only all of your life, really.

How many mistakes have you made today? Resolve them by contacting I Can Make You Grow.

How strong do you feel today: bit.ly/3V9agsz

You live your life, not your circumstances.

Mine was being a people please, no more.

A song to light your way to I Can Make You Grow: bit.ly/4bFmj6A


I can help you lessen these days at I Can. Make you Grow.

Are you hiding out today?

I Look to You at I Can Make You Grow:

Favicon for music.youtube.com


Try to do this every day.

I like the word Indomitable.

So, nothing is lost if you attempt to improve: bit.ly/3yuQMpp

Everyone loses at times, if they deny this, they are. lying.

If they are rude to you in the name of coaching, piss them off.

Remember your fight song:

Favicon for music.youtube.com


So lets access your summer, Contact me on I Can Make You Grow at rod.williams13@gmail.com

If you wish to listen to the songs, here is a link to the playlist: bit.ly/4dRsDtu

I will sign off with two of my slogans, Another thing I can create for you is: It’s up to us, because we can, it’s our time: love and respect for all, everyone included.

To my readers in the 164 countries worldwide, till next time.

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