Opportunity beckons in a five star Location.

I forgot to bring a book today to take my subject from. No Gabby Bernstein, No Danielle LaPorte, no Marc and Angel Chernoff. What to do, I know, read the local paper, the Preston Leader. And there it was on the back page in the real estate section, the perfect subject, opportunity, not as the ad for the investment property suggested but where we hold opportunity to be in our lives.

Our self development company, Collective Potential used to work out of a co-working space that had a mural of a bird leaping off a cliff with the words, jump, and learn how to fly on the way down. It always stuck in my heart as to what opportunity offered oneself. So lets jump off that cliff and have a look at what people have said about it over time:


Marie Forleo, creator of the B-School operates her multi million dollar business from her laptop mainly. Taking that opportunity has transformed thousands of peoples lives. What simple thing could transform your life?


2. Only one song can go here: Morning has Broken.


3. This is your opportunity in life, blow them away!!


4. When is stops working for you, breathe in and start all over again, remembering what that mistake taught you: Begin Again.


5. Yes is the correct answer, then learn the rest as you go on an amazing journey.


6. I was gifted one of the great questions by a Landmark Education Forum leader. When I used to say I don’t know, he would say, then who should I ask. This gave me the opportunity to face that which I was unwilling by saying I don’t know: All to Well.


7. But what if?, I know I can’t do that, It’s all too hard, It won’t work out, add your favourites.


8. Pivot to the left, pivot to the right: learn what you need to and get on with it: There’s nothing holding me back.


9. Carpe Diem, that’s all.


10. To me this is showing gratitude to what you have in life. I write what I am grateful each day in my Desire map planner. it amazes me what materialises because of this: Endless Possibilities.


11. The author of one of the most read books in the world, The Fountainhead. Ayn Rand points to how much easier it is to climb if you take the opportunities offered to you.



12. That looks like hard work, not for me. Bang, there goes another of the opportunities offered to you by the universe. Life is not always meant to be easy: Work.



13. Helen Keller proved to the world that deaf people could all learn to communicate and that they could survive in the hearing world. She also taught that deaf people are capable of doing things that hearing people can do. One of the most famous deaf people in history, she is an idol to many deaf people in the world.


14. Holding that parts of your life are separate from other parts is silly, you are always there whatever you call the day: Dreadlock Holiday.


15. I dance on the conscious dance floors of 5RHythms, Dancing Freedom and Mojo Dance. Where do you seize the opportunities in your life?

So the opportunity I would like ot take as I sign off is that I would love Oprah to read this and fall in love with my blogs.

Namaste until next time, my dear friends.



1 thought on “Opportunity beckons in a five star Location.

  1. Another favourite ‘opportunity’ of ours is Opportunity Shops! After reading this week’s blog, I’ll never consider Op Shops in the same light. Who knows what opportunity is waiting there? ☺️


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