The Life you’ve always Wanted!!

I picked up Marc and Angel Chernoff’s majestic book 1000+ Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently this morning and flipped it open to a page, this is how I read ot and it gave my the Passion section. indeed it was a list of Passion questions to make you think: Here they are :

  1. What will you never give up On?
  2. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
  3. What activities make you lose track of time
  4. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?
  5. What fascinates you?
  6. What is something you would hate to go without for a day?
  7. What’s something you would do every day if you could?
  8. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?
  9. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
  10. What would you do differently if you know nobody would judge you?

Great questions to bring your passion alive, methinks. But now its time to take a passionate journey:


1. What is your lightworker career. Don’t give up on finding it, the world is waiting for you.


2. Now you’re looking in the mirror, say the things that get you in action, here’s one: Love is Action.


3. What would a blog on Passion be without an Oprah quote, one of my top ten passion guru’s.


4. This one is self explanatory, words are unnecessary: All of the Lights.


5. Time to throw the dirt out of the grave you have buried your passion under.


6. Stress or Passion, easy choice: All of Me.


7. Another great tool in finding out your passionate why is Simon Sinek’s legendary TED talk How Great Leaders Inspire Action.


8. Which intersection do you  live on. I live on Love and Respect for All – Everyone Included drive and sacred Love Avenue: Unwritten.


9. Career counsellors tended to get this wrong at school, their suggestions lay between accounting and teaching.


10. They say knowledge gives us a sense of who we are. Don’t give up your quest before you get to this point in your journey: Living Your Dreams.


11. And the POTUS’s take on it, not sure I agree.


12. Become an explorer and search your world for it, then run with it as fast as you can: Try Everything.


13. Have you entered your shadowlands to find your passions, that is where they live sometimes.


14. When I’m calling you oo oo oo oo, your passion is singing this song to you if you would just listen: Indian Love Call.



15. How did it get to be 1:20pm. You can guess what I love doing.

There’s a fantastic parable in the book called the Art of being Naked, it displays passion at its most excellent, here is the link to the book, grab yourself a copy if you desire passion in your life: the link.

Namaste until next time my dear friends.



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