Reconciliation Week, racist style.

In Naarm/Melbourne, it is reconciliation week, a week to recognise the First Nations people of our country. Last October, the racists of Australia once again denied them recognition.

On Monday, I attended Reconciliation on the Rooftop, which was put on by one of our local councils. Yarra.

One of the representatives of the Yoorook Justice Commission spoke at the event. One major point he made was that it was not up to the 3 per cent of First Nations people to make the required changes; the rest of us, the 97 per cent, voted no last October.

He also stated that First Nations people did not come from disrespect of others AKA racism, that was not how they were raised to exist on this planet.

Here is Marc and Angels.”

list of great ideas that may help our country resolve the racism that underlies it each and every day:

  1. Appreciate the great people and things in your life.
  2. Ignore other people’s negativity.
  3. Forgive those who have hurt you.
  4. Be who you really are.
  5. Choose to listen to your inner voice.
  6. Embrace change and enjoy your life as it unfolds.
  7. Choose your relationships wisely.
  8. Recognise those who love you.
  9. Love yourself, too.
  10. Do things your future self will thank you for.
  11. Be thankful for all the troubles you don’t have.
  12. Leave enough time for fun.
  13. Enjoy the little things in life.
  14. Accept the fact the past is not today.
  15. Let go when you must.

So, how does the world express the cancer known as racism? Let’s have a look:

Shame on you.

I will never give up until our First Nations people are recognised in the Constitution.

He was also good at other things besides basketball.

You only become racist if your parents and relatives pass it down the line.

Thank you, Michelle, you rock.

We had a chance last October, and we blew it big time.

It is up to each and every one of us to stamp out the scourge that is racism.

There has always been and always will be, racism in our country until we stop passing it down to our children.

The mainstream media in our country has forgotten this.

Excellent insight from Oprah.


Time to take it to the streets.

And our country is considering electing the racist Peter Dutton as its political leader; this makes me want to puke.

Stop it, Australia. It belittles you.

I write slogans of positivity. Two of them are love and respect for all, everybody included, and it’s up to us because we can; it’s our time. They give me hope

Here’s the playlist link

I thank you, my readers, in 164 countries, lets end racism on the planet.


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